Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

repeating history. and it ain't pretty.

when they are not drawing out on me, i compensate by playing bad. been a horrible week at the tables. may not play until i get back home.

there are 297 days left in the reign of bush, the stupid. my only worry is that if certain polls are correct, the supporters of senator clinton will not support senator obama if he gets the nomination and the same goes for his supporters. i cannot say strongly enough just how stupid that position is. to think a democrat would not support our candidate against john, bush light, mc cain is beyond me. you fucks better get out there and vote democratic and get over yourselves; we cannot afford another four years of republican rule. for real. we cannot afford it. we are teetering on the very brink of disaster and our base is arguing with itself. my fucking god!

the "surge" is not working. violence has gone back up. shiites are fighting sunnis, sunnis are fighting shiites and both are killing americans. the government of iraq is in name only, they hide in "heavily fortified green zone" and will not come out. that is not a government, that is a farce.

i keep bringing this up. when george, the stupid, came into power gasoline was $1.46 per gal.

we still do not know who was at cheney's "energy conference" but we sure know what they talked about....just how far up the american consumer's ass could they shove their oil wells.

and you want to vote for j. mc cain? the guy who will continue the course we are on. and we are doing so well, don't cha know?

what does it take for people to come to their senses?

we have been in afghanastan since 2001, going on 7 YEARS. what have we accomplished there? nothing. the taliban is getting stronger every year. poppy crops are records every year. heroin is supporting the taliban thanks to the american market. the death toll keeps going up. stay the course. we have not found obl and you know why? WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR HIM! if they were to find him or kill him then we would have to bring the troops home and we can't have that.

the babylonians invaded afghanastan
the persians invaded afghanastan
the greeks invaded afghanastan
the monguls invaded afghanastan
the british invaded afghanastan
the russians invaded afghanastan


never in the history of the world has any power been able to subdue the afghans. not once.

babylon, persia, greece, mongolia, china, britian, france, spain, rome, carthage, portugal, russia and germany all had great empires. they all lost their empire by getting involved in foriegn wars while they neglected the needs of the people back home. they all lost and some lost horribly. they broke their treasuries, they decimated their armies, they ruined their economies and destroyed their countries. kings, emperors, generals, caesars, dictators, presidents and prime ministers all thought that they would be the one who would take over the world and their regime would last forever. they were all wrong.

and you want to vote for john mc cain who will continue the empire building of the neo-cons?

those that are unaware of history are bound to repeat it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you getting this information?
Afghanistan wasn't even called Afghanistan until 1747. Before that, it was part of Khorasan and had its ass kicked by almost everyone in your list plus a few more. It has been conquered by a whole host of people. The Median and Persian Empires, Alexander the Great, The Kushans, The Huns and The Turks.
In the early 1200's, Genghis Khan and the Mongols absolutely decimated the entire region.

(Of course, Genghis Khan and the Mongols sounds like a great name for a punk rock band, but that's another story.)

I'm not sure how this "Invincible Afghanistan" rumor got started but I can assure you it's total bullshit.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was very well put. How right you are, and by saying 'right' I mean CORRECT, NOT conservative.

These last 7 years have caused some of us conservatives, at least the the intelligent ones, to rethink our positions. I have defected to the DEM side myself.

It does not follow logically with me that we can continue on the course we are on and call ourselves patriots - our country is a mess, but our government only cares about waging war and spreading American hegemony. We are not even good at it.

The historic parallels are right in front of us; I see it and have been saying it for years, but sadly - the average American voter is only concerned with the more petty issues.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

oh, j.t. i do beg to differ on this one. it depends on how you want to read it; defeating it (afghan or whatever name was being used whenever...they are tribesmen owing no aliegence to any country) was fairly easy, you, the invader, had an army, they, the locals, didn't. the problem came when you tried (it don't matter who the "you" was) to occupy it. to tame it. to bring it into your empire in some way or another. no one, to my knowledge, has ever been able to pull that off.

odd, though, that you should say this or start this conversation because (read my next post which bears on all of this)

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then I would have to say your argument rests in the definition of "conquer" and "subdue". The region now considered Afghanistan was "conquered" many times. Soundly conquered with an ass whipping like they had never seen before.
Did an invading force ever change their minds? Probably not.
That's where "subdue" kicks in.
The Indians, aka Native Americans (which is a much more proper term) were conquered, but never subdued.

They have some really nice casinos though.

12:08 AM  

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