Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

river blues

back when there were a couple of people writing comments critizing me for one thing or another, one said that all i do is rant about obama or brag about winning at poker. well, (as ronald reagan would say) i did do more than that and i did talk about losses as well; sorry that i win more than i lose and truth be told, it is much more fun to talk about wins than losses. however, today we will talk about some losing hands....

as you regular readers of this continuing exercise in mental masterbation know, i have always done well here in atlantic city because the players are soooo bad. the flip side of that coin is that bad players can put bad beats on you.

yesterday, very first hand i sit down into the big blind for two dollars. call, call, call, raise to 12 dollars, call and then back to me; i check my hole cards and find a pair of nines. i know that the three 2 dollar callers are going to call because that is what these people do and i do have a medium pair, i call and sure enough the three call. now there is 6 x 12 = 72 dollars in pot. flop comes 6h, Qh and Qd. i check. it goes check, check, check, raiser bets 10 dollars, fold and then back to me. i figure he has something else other than a queen or he has ace queen but he could have ak and just taking a stab at the pot so i call and one other person calls who is between us. i was not real happy with that call because it could represent a queen. but anyway. now there is 102 dollars in the pot. the next card is the magic 9 giving me a full house. i check, next guy checks and then the orginal raiser bets 25 dollars. i raise to 100 dollars and the other guy folds so we are back to the raiser who now goes all in. i can't get my money in fast enough. i now think that he has ace queen and unless a queen or an ace or a six comes i am golden, right? wrong. he had FOUR QUEENS.

my question is why in the world did he bet anything at all on the flop? granted he won a big pot but that ten dollar bet could have run out everyone when he has the UNBEATABLE hand. why do that? let people catch up. i mean, i caught up and the hand would have come down the same way anyway but it was still a stupid play on his part, let someone get the flush, let someone get another full house. hell, let some one get runner runner for a straight don't run off all your action.

so, there i am, one hand and down two hundred dollars. i get 150 of it back by the end of the day so i am only down 50 dollars. hell, i can live with that.

today, i am card dead for most of the time and have about 180 in front of me when this hand happens. i am in first position with aces so i raise to 18 dollars and the guy next to me raises to 40 dollars and everyone folds back to me. i put him all in and after thinking for quite a while he makes the call with kings. catches a king on the fucking river so now i am down 250 dollars.

i rebuy for 150. an hour goes by and i pick up a pair of queens. raise to 20 dollars and am called by one guy. the flop comes ace, ace, queen. i have flopped a dangerous full house. i bet 50 dollars and he calls. turn is a six. i check and he goes all in and i call. he has ak so i am way ahead. A FUCKING SIX COMES ON THE RIVER AND NOW WE ARE DOWN 400 DOLLARS!

at this point, i took a break and here i am in my room licking my wounds and writing this.

i called rhonda. you know what my wife said? "hell, ronnie, take a break, eat some lunch and then go back and take those bastards' eyes out for them." that's a wife!

so, that is all for now. have a good day. don't hurt anybody. get high. fuck a stranger.


Blogger FatCat said...

I looked at your schedule, you need to book a gig in Austin, your going to be all around us. The longer you stay in Texas the less you have to worry about losing at poker. The only people allowed to run a game here is the state. Besides I'd like to see you in person before we both get to old to go out.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

i would love to work austin and used to have a decent following there but the guy who owns the club there and i don't get along so he won't book me. he is rich miller, dennis miller's brother, and we have had several go arounds in the past. hell, call the club and request me and if enough people do that....

7:36 AM  
Blogger DonkeyFishJim said...

Hey Ron - shitty rivers on those last 2 hands, and a iffy play by the guy with quad queens. On the last 2 hands, the only thing you can tell yourself is that you made the right choices - and that's all you can do. We can't control the cards (unfortunately), we can only control our play - and you shouldn't beat yourself up for your play (and you shouldn't beat others up for their bad play since it keeps us funded).

Bobby Baldwin said it best (which I'll loosely paraphrase); good players have bad beats go AGAINST them much more than they go FOR them, because they get their money in with the better hand.

I know exactly how you feel (been there many times), and I know it really fucking blows to watch the donkeys rake YOUR money into their stacks. Do what Rhonda said, take a break, put those hands behind you, and realize that in the long run you'll be getting that money back.

Anyway, glad to read more of your poker adventures - keep plugging and kick some AC ass!

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry your away this week 'cause I'm in Vegas, wowee
that hand when you had 99 and the flop was 6QQ. We raise the flop to find out were we are and we call with the nuts. He bets 10, you raise to 20 if he calls you know he has a Q. only 30 down instead of 200. we pay for information.
and sometimes bad beats cant be helped.
Rock and roll.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

well, yeah but let us say that i did raise there and he just calls. we are going to see the turn anyway, right? he bets, i raise, he calls. here comes the next card...the nine. now what? put him on 4 queens? how? i look, for all purposes to have have a fucking monster. i have to figure him for aq or kq or sixes full. i still can't put him on 4 queens. if you could or anyone could, damn, i want to watch you play 'cause, my brother, you are much better than i. i have replayed this damn hand over in my head and truth be known, the only way out was either fold preflop and drop the nines...not going to do that....fold to the weak bet on flop. .... not going to do that either...i am going to take another card off for ten dollars.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, Always love to hear the poker stories ....keep em coming!!
Looking forward to your shows in Indy in April.. I have always taken many of my friends to see you who haven't...and the response is always a resounding "awesome glad I got to see of the best shows" so, this year will be fun because my recently retired mother and her husband will be able to make the show and see you for the first time.. they love to go see George Carlin and I told them that you might take his place as their new favorite. Will be sure to reply with their response.. thanks for making Indy one of your stops!

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That turn card was the worse card for you very unlucky. But my comment still stands because generally checking then calling is bad nl poker. there was 72 in the pot and the guy bets 10. cheap call and why is he making it so cheap. Any bigger pair beats you as does AQ at that point so your counting on AK only since he raised preflop.
lot of bad luck but you only 2 outs that would not make the best hand. calling instead of folding or raising usually is bad unless you have a draw to the nuts.

just my 2 cents. vegas is softer then AC by far.

6:01 PM  

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