republicans 8, democrats 1
in a letter to the editor in the las vegas sun section of today's newspaper a reader made a very good point: since the great depression we have had 9 major recessions in this country. 8 of them have come under republican administrations! hmmmm. fiscal responsibility is a fine slogan, shame the republicans don't believe it.
hoover, "prosperity is just around the corner" brought us the great depression.
Ike brought us two.
nixon had one
carter had one
ronnie r. had two
ghw bush had one
gw bush now has us in his second. (and this one is going to be bad)
want more recession? vote republican. want to put us back on a firm financial footing? vote democratic. those who ignore the past are condemned to repeating it. the republican party is for the rich. the democratic party is for the rest of us. look at the track records. regardless of how many times the republicans will use the term, "tax and spend democrats", prosperity comes with a democrat in the white house. the republicans count on the american people not remembering; prove them wrong in november.
hoover, "prosperity is just around the corner" brought us the great depression.
Ike brought us two.
nixon had one
carter had one
ronnie r. had two
ghw bush had one
gw bush now has us in his second. (and this one is going to be bad)
want more recession? vote republican. want to put us back on a firm financial footing? vote democratic. those who ignore the past are condemned to repeating it. the republican party is for the rich. the democratic party is for the rest of us. look at the track records. regardless of how many times the republicans will use the term, "tax and spend democrats", prosperity comes with a democrat in the white house. the republicans count on the american people not remembering; prove them wrong in november.
Ron, did you watch the DNC debate last night? Obama did really well, he answered everything that Hillary threw at him. I especially liked when Hillary said he never took responciblity for his actions...and then got booed. However, as much as I distrust Edwards, he actually made a good showing last night. He pressed his bread and butter which is fighting for the poor (even though he is the secound richest candidate running). But after the bickering was over it actually turned into a great discussion about the differances in their stance. Hope you saw it.
Oh, and one other thing. Please stop trying to figure out who the anonymous posters are. When someone posts a comment anonymously, it is because they don't want their name scattered across the internet. Have enough respect for this and stop trying to guess their identities.
what? is this your daily telling me what to do? some people use the anonymous signature because they are just not willing to put their name where their mouth is. as long as they can hide behind false names and anonymous they can spew as much drivel as they want with no consequences to themselves. there are other names we could call these people....but we won't. not to say that i expect people to put their real name on posts all the time but if one is going to attack me at least use the same alais each time. as far as guessing, i am not. i know.
anyway, thanks for writing. keep up the good work.
oh, and one other thing, what did this have to do with the above post?
I'll say it, cowards. The net is full of em, and they all know what is best for the rest of us.
hey a.p., haven't seen your gun toting picture in a while and you are right on, that is the word.
you know, i not only put my name on my blog but my picture as well. i live a public life and am easy to find, hell, all you have to do is go to mandalay bay poker room and call out my name. some people are really brave when they can't be found now aren't they? like you said, they know for sure what is wrong is me and what i should do. lol!
people want to be anonymous because you attack when people disagree with you. a lot of bloggers took the time to educate you about obama and you accused them of being republicans. they did their homework you didn't. obama is a shyster politician and good bloggers seek the truth. the best bloggers remain anonymous because republicans can be real vindictive.
you seemed real cool when i saw your act but your writing is along right wing lines and bitter.
i think i'd better remain anonymous.
no, they didn't "educate" me about obama other than he took money from some financial firms (oh, the horror of it all) and worked to get lieberman elected as independent. other than those two things what they did was call him names and make innuendoes.
me, right wing? surely you jest. the only thing i am "bitter" (and that is really too strong a word about any of my feelings) is how the republicans have fucked the country so bad and no one seemed to be paying attention.
"the best bloggers are anonymous" okie dokie. write to them. don't waste your high intellect in reading me and writing to me.
there is a diffence between disagreeing with me and just calling names.
p.s. the only altenate anyone has given is ron paul who would elimate roe v. wade, get rid of the department of education, take young people out of social security, promote "states rights" which is the modern day code words for segragationist policies. if we leave educational decisions to states such as mississippi, south carolina, georgia, alabama and others you will see bible teachings and colored water fountains within a decade. he would change the constition so that it would be the governments choice as to what child being born here was a citizen or not. this is the guy you think should be president? right. ron paul would be a disaster for america. even the kookie republicans don't like him. as i have said before, he had two great thoughts and mussolini made the trains run on time; he was still a disaster. one or two good ideas do not a president make.
now, go read the best bloggers and vote for paul.
right wing ron. goodfuckinggod. LAUGH OUT LOUD!
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