Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

bribing us into prosperity.

i see the government has had a sudden realization that we "may be heading towards" a recession and are scrambling to find a cure. the fed cuts the interest rate by 3/4% which, they say, will stimulate borrowing and borrowing leads to spending. brilliant. it was stupid borrowing that got us into this mess. ah, but not worry, they are also going to send all of us, with the exception of the poor of course, a check for, pick a number, 300, 800, 1,500 dollars. basically, they are going to try to bribe the american public to somehow forgetting we are in a recession. now where they are going to get this money from has not been said. no-one has suggested we quit spending billions upon untold billions of dollars in iraq and afghanstan and elsewhere in our bloated military budget and spend it here at home fixing our schools, our roads, our trains, our bridges, our water supplies, our public transportation. god no. wouldn't want that and all the good jobs it would create. no talk of getting help for american companies to build american factories on american soil employing american workers paying wages that would allow the factory worker to buy that thing that they make. (which is the problem with sending jobs overseas or south of the border, the workers in those countries are not paid enough for them to buy that thing they make. see, it is not lifting their wages so they can buy american things, it is, in fact, lowering american wages so that, in the long run, we won't be able to buy them either.) oh no. wouldn't want that. there is talk of giving more tax breaks to business so to encourage them to invest and thus hire more people but what companies really do with "new money", wherever it is from, during hard times is to hold on to it. why should they invest to build if there is no one to buy?

i have also noticed that the bush administration has publically stated that they are not looking for a long range plan but a short term stimulus. heaven forbid we think long range. the only long range planning the republicans seem to be doing is planning on us staying in iraq for decades. decades! how much will that cost? and to whom?

and final thought:

incidently, fyi, ky jelly comes in 5 gal. containers. who needs 5 gallons of KY JELLY? either a nymphomanic with a real tight pussy or the government because both plan on fucking a whole lot of people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the "smoking campaign". Chantix is weird. I quit after 2 1/2 weeks. Last cigarette was smoked in about 7 parts over two days. Tasted like h---!! Asked myself, do I need this? No. Better living through drugs.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

chantix is weird. as i have said, my dreams are really something. if it din't make me so tired i would take forever just for the dreams. you are right, not only am i smoking less and less they taste worse and worse. i have smoked for 50 years, man!, i do look forward to just enjoying my other drugs which are not nearly as harmful....but, then again, we all die anyway.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ron long time but am so excited about my cool new job that I had to tell somebody, might as well be you. Working in a porn store on 8 mile in Detroit. Really cool! And pretty recession proof, at least that’s what I’m going with. Learning all about dolls or “companions” if you prefer. The ins and outs of vibrators. Jellies, lotions, Sold my first Cindy Pussy. Looking forward to Valentines it should be huge. Any place with the lawyers number on the wall has got to be interesting. Your old pal Mike

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that was a good post.

5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably not the right place for this question, but wtf. Do you sell your wares and sign autographs after your shows?

10:08 AM  
Blogger DonkeyFishJim said...

Hey Ron, good post. I either had to laugh or cry when Treasury Sec Fuck-nuts (I mean Paulson) said that he hoped Americans would spend their "stimulus checks" on things manufactured in the US, not like plasma TV's or other things made in China. OK, like what?!?!
Our gov't has done all it can over the past generation to make sure that we're a fucking service economy and we don't make a goddamn thing anymore - I think manufacturing / industry only accounts for <20% of our economy now. So where does that leave us? Spiralling down the big white crapper, that's where...
Fuck their "stimulus plan", I'll take my check and put it in the bank - I've got a feeling I'm going to be needing that money in a year or so. :-(

12:24 PM  
Blogger DonkeyFishJim said...

Oh, btw - congrats on your smoking efforts!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

one at a time: mike, GREAT to hear from you. call me when you can. thought you might be abroad but i was wrong. if you remember rhonda, ray's daughter, she is now a big c&w star in australia and has come to the states to try her hand in nashville. she is stunningly beautiful as well.

friar chuck, absolutely.

donkeyfish, karl marx was wrong about many things but he was right as rain when he said that a country's true wealth comes from what that country MAKES as far as manufactured goods. we get making things and went to a "service" economy which means we just move things and money around. it also means we are fucked. or "serviced" as the case may be.

and thanks to all who are encouraging me in my quitting smoking campaign. we all die anyway but just as soon would do it later, so to speak.

10:09 PM  

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