Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

myspace/running hot/thankful for it

27 out of the last 33 sessions including every one here in atlantic city; have been getting in two sessions on some days and right now am up just short of a thousand dollars for this week. i am playing exceptionally well and today got exceptionally lucky. i caught a two-outer to beat a guy who had slow played aces against my raise with nines and since the biggest card on the board was an 8 and i had not been raised on the flop when i bet 25 dollars, i bet 50 dollars when the board paired a three so i had nines over threes. a nine came on the river and i bet all in and the guy called and showed aces. whew!! i was SO behind. lol. but hey, it is not like someone has never caught a two-outer on me. he should have taken me out on the turn, i would not have called an all-in right there. can't help it if i am lucky.

yesterday, i raised with aces under the gun to 18 dollars and a guy on the button said, "let's make it 50 dollars." to which i said, (since it was only the two of us) "no, let's make it for all our money!" and pushed all-in. he immediately called with queens and he didn't hit the two-outer! he put in over 280 on that one hand which made for a nice day yesterday.

just got back from a late night sessions and won there as well and a nice one at that; +625. a set on my very first hand more than doubled me up and it just got better and better. i am running so hot right now that i hate to be away from the tables. seriously, it is like i can't miss. my good hands hold up and my behind hands catch up. can't help it if i am lucky. we all get our fair share along the way and these kind of runs make up for a lot of card dead days. 28 out of 34.

i now have a MYSPACE site. go to and dere i am. THANKS SINA!!!!

thanksgiving has come and gone since it is in the early morning hours here on the east coast and the temperture is dropping outside. (when i post, this computer is set on las vegas time so it will show three hours difference) don't like to be away from home and hearth on a holliday but it falls under that old "do what you gotta do" thing. i have been very blessed again and have lots of things for which to be thankful. my wife, my life, the dogs, the house, the pool, my friends, my career and so much more all make my overall existance really quite pleasurable. an attitude of gratitude helps bring blessings. if you don't believe that try being truly grateful for what you do have and see if you don't get more. hey, it's worth a shot.

incidently, the audience tonight did not find me funny at all. a whole lot of staring going on. i do, indeed, mean a WHOLE lot of staring going on however, on the other hand, they didn't throw things and sometimes, as i have mentioned before, you have to search for that silver lining, brothers and sisters; it is not obvious all of the time. if it were, the heathen would get it and no lessons would be learned.

JITTERBUG PERFUME by tom robbins. read it and see if it not one of the best books to come out of this age of literature. it is funny and one hell of a story. perfume, beets and the ancient god, pan, with just a little bit of new orleans voodoo thrown in to make a brew unlike any other.

my old friend,

three a.m.

is just around the corner.

he should never be greated with an unaltered state of consciousness.


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