Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

the last f-----g week on the road!!!!!

ten weeks on the road and i am going home tomorrow! good fucking god, this has been a long one. chattanooga has been the slowest, drunkest and smallest audiences that i have played to on this trip. while i like the owner, michael alfano, a lot and always enjoy seeing him, i don't think this will be on my list from here on out. i will probably change my mind because i am sure it is shaded by how long i have been out here....

i see where oral robert's son, richard and his demon wife are writing a new chapter for me. stay tuned as i put it together.

i see where government inspectors have found massive fraud in the insurance companies handling of the medicare program. what a surprise! insurance agents lying? why who ever heard of such a thing. way back before i got into the book business i worked for three different insurance companies and later i was a consultant to another one and each and every one of them taught their agents to lie. lies of commission and of omission. misleading and confusing statements to throw the customer's understanding off. we need a single payer, government run national health care system; it is our only hope to get out of the crisis we are in. if we leave it in the hands of the insurance companies we are just throwing money at them. remember, an insurance company's goal or purpose is not to pay claims but to collect premiums. they don't want to pay a single claim and use every possible trick in their little book to keep from doing so. the veterans administration is a national health care plan for a select group and it does, for the most part, an admirable job. i know, i am a veteran and am in the v.a. if we can do it for millions and millions of veterans and another group of millions and millions of federal employees then we can damn well do it for everybody. doesn't that make sense? federal employees have excellent insurance coverage, we all should do so good.

playing on line again and am up just a tiny, tiny bit which is good since i started in a deep hole to start with; the internet has always given me problems. i have a hard time paying attention on the net, much more so than live play where i watch each and every little thing. oh well, am ahead.

got to get home and watch them put our new floors in. for all of you who came out and saw me on this trip, thank you very much. be sure and call/write/email sirius and xm radio and request me.

hope to see some of you the week of oct. 15-21 at the trop in vegas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ron:

You mentioned you are playing online. I thought that US citizens were persona non gratis playing poker for money online. Exactly how are you doing that?

EX #4

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, regarding my question on playing online as a US citizen/resident...never mind. I found a website that gives some excellent information and promotions. For those curious...check out

I find your comment about insurance agents rather sweeping. And I might add an example of the very thing you have been critical of (e.g. your comments about racists). As you know I have been a licensed insurance agent for 27 years and have worked both as a captive agent with a mutli-line insurance company and as independent selling medical and dental insurance. At no time was I ever taught to mislead customers. In fact quite the reverse was true it was impressed on me to be very clear and to put EVERYTHING in writing.

You are referring to your experience in the Life insurance business and the way Whole Life insurance was sold. Specifically that people were not told that they could get a much better return on their money if they invested it seperately and bought term insurance. You are correct in that this practice was lying by omission.

I believe that Medicare and indeed the whole health care system will collapse because it needs to. It is based on a paradigm built by our collective issues of irresponsibility, greed,negligence and quick fix attitudes. As are many other infrastructures such as the monetary system and education. In my opinion these too will collapse and I believe it will happen in our lifetimes.

Your comment about the VA is also interesting because statistically speaking the VA is doing a dismal job of serving the needs of veterans. The reason this is the case is due to lack of funding and poor administration. I have a very close friend who was high up in the VA administration and she told me several things that would really get YOU going!!!!

Well my friend I have as you would say "ranted enough". Looking forward to your always interesting mind bending response.


9:54 AM  

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