Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, October 01, 2007

an order of freedom fries, please

i amaze myself at times by being such a good player on one day and an idiot on another. today i was the idiot. lost two hundred and it was all my fault.

grumble grumble.

on to other things: what a ball game tonight between the padres and rockies. was glad to see colorado win since i don't like the padres because they sometimes play in camouflage uniforms. warmongers. san diego is such a right wing town that it is hard for me to pull for any of their teams.

speaking of war and those who wage it, hillary says that she will keep american troops in iraq until at least 2013 to protect american interests and "fight terrorists." hey hillary, we are the terrorists in iraq. the people who are fighting us are not terrorists, they are people who don't like foriegn invaders and have decided to fight back. let me put it this way, if i were an iraqi, american warmongers would be calling me a terrorist because i would be doing every possible thing i could to rid my country of the invaders. (wouldn't you?) just what american interests is she speaking of? the american embassy building that costs a billion dollars and is bigger than the vatican? the oil that we came to steal? the permanant bases that we have built? (if we were ever really planning on leaving iraq, why did we build four huge permanent military bases there?) if 70% of americans want us out of iraq now, why is she taking this position? is she just another spokesperson for the military industrial oil complex? methinks so.

for those of you who have not read george orwell's 1984 RECENTLY, please do so. it will chill your blood as you see US in the book. war is peace don't cha know? i know i have said this before but please read that book again even if you did read it years ago, it will mean so much more to you now.

what i am afraid of is that war has become so ingrained and entrenched in our collective psyche that we don't really think of it any more. the iraqi war has now lasted longer than world war two and still no end in sight. where are the peace protests? where is the outrage? what does it take for the american people to get good and fucking mad about this? sometimes i think that only rhonda and i are the only ones who give a shit. i know that is not true but i can see hundreds of people a week and NOT A FUCKING ONE BRINGS UP THE WAR. i do and then they look at me as if i were some kind of weirdo for caring. for being upset. oh, they say they are against it, but only if you push them into saying it. left to their own, they would never bring it up.


does that sound harsh? poor baby. well here is a news flash: war is harsh. the cities we have destroyed in iraq, the children we have killed, the families we have displaced, those are harsh too. if you don't speak out, you killed the babies, you destroyed the cities, you displaced the families. yeah, you. motherfucker. i am talking to YOU.

i believe that george bush is a war criminal and he is trying to get legislation passed that will keep him from being charged as such when his term is up. i, for one, want to see him and cheney in the dock for crimes against humanity. powell, rice and rumsfeld as well. rove and wolfawitz (sp?) and maybe even little ol' scooter all should spend the rest of their miserable lives in prison. if some poor black kid can be sent to prison for 30 years for selling a small amount of crack, surely these guys (and one very bright but very evil woman) can be sent off for killing hundreds of thousands of people, for stealing our national treasury and ruining the name of america for generations to come. couldn't they? it won't happen of course because to try them would require america doing some very honest self-examination and that is something we just don't do here. we want to believe we are so nice. so smart. so peace-loving. here is another news flash for you: we are not nice nor smart nor peace loving. we are a thuggish, war mongering ignorant people who blindly follow our so-called leaders. you may not agree with me but the VAST MAJORITY of the rest of the world does. but hell, what do they know? bunch of damn foriegners. faggots. ragheads. (you know, all those names we call people from other lands)

i wonder how many restuarants are still serving "freedom fries" instead of french fries. remember that? turns out the FRENCH WERE RIGHT AND WE WERE WRONG. but somehow no one ever seems to say that in public. the french were right. we were wrong. grab hold of that. get rid of your prejudice and see us as others do.

once, and not so long ago, we were the hope of the world. now the world fears us. we are hated. could 5 and one half BILLION PEOPLE ALL BE WRONG? yeah, they must be, because we are americans and we never do anything wrong. faggot-french-commie-ragheads don't know what they are talking about.

oh well, just me, a drug addled comic/poker player farting in the wind with nobody listening and even less caring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm listening, Pally. Your rant is eloquent, direct and accurate. All we can do is hope that the America will put forth and elect a human being to sit in the big chair, the next time around.

4:44 AM  
Blogger sevesteen said...

Why don't any of the candidates say "That's up to the Iraqi government? We made a mess, and we'll work toward cleaning it up if that's what they want, but if they want us gone, we will go"

We have a responsibility towards fixing what we caused. This is one of the few times I agree with Hillary, we shouldn't just abandon them unless that's what they ask for. The problem now is that cleaning up after a mistake isn't good for Bush's ego.

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are NEVER an idiot at the card tables- not ever. You have the wonderful, instinctive ability to read the other players, and that gift belongs in no-limit poker.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

all of the canidates from both parties are tippy toeing around the 800 pound gorilla in the front room. yes, it should be up to the iraqi people and it should be a very clear mandate. anything less than a huge majority of iraqis wanting us there we should get up and go.

9:12 PM  

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