Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

rush is the real phoney.

rush limbaugh said on his show that any members of the armed services who wants the usa to pull out of iraq are "phoney soldiers." this is from a man who NEVER was in any branch of the service. like bush and cheney, two others who went to many extremes to keep their precious little asses out of harm's way, rush is quick to beat the drums of war but reluctant to serve. just recently, 7 members of the 82nd airborne (a phoney outfit if there ever was one) wrote a co-op feature for the new york times where they stated that they felt, as combat soldiers, that this was a war we should not be in. within a week, two of those brave men were killed in combat. would rush like to tell their grieving parents that their sons where "phoney"? to think that there still are some people who not only listen to this man but take him seriously just goes to prove that "you can fool some of the people all of the time." rush ought to stick to talking about pain pills, he knows something about that. (of course, before he got busted he said that anyone who took pain pills were "drug addicts" and deserved no mercy...his story changed...)

the salt lake city gig at mo's grill was a real hoot. crowds were great, shows were great, free food and a nice hotel. hellava deal. will probably do it again sometime. i got some good write-ups in the City Paper and in Harp magazine. am off for about a week before i go off to chattanooga and huntsville. it will be nice to sleep in my own bed and cuddle with my wife. also will get in some serious playing with my dogs who were joyous to see me when i pulled in today. a excited great dane is something to see!

the guy in utah who made the little girl (14!) "marry" her cousin against her will deserves some serious prison time. using his so-called authority to "allow" one of his "followers" to literally rape that little girl. jesusfuckingchrist! put this motherfucker away for a couple of decades. and the cousin too. just another example of evil done in the name of god. lordy lordy.

the weather in vegas is neigh on to perfect here in vegas and will remain so for several months. eat your hearts out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't give a crap about Rush Limbaugh, FYI. I am a devout follower of my angel Moroni, who revealed the sacred tablets to Joseph Smith, in case you didn't know. Well, I saw your show last night and God forgive me if I didn't take exception to all of those Mormon jokes you told us- my angel and I left a-weeping- Well, I have to tell you that I felt as if I were horse-whipped by the entire Tabernacle Choir- and I hope you are satisfied, because it's damn near enough to drive one to secondary polygamy, if you know what I mean, and...and...well. otherwise, I really enjoyed your show!!

9:11 PM  

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