Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ahmadinejad and the republicans.

not only do i think that mahmoud ahmadinejad should be allowed to speak at colleges and universities here in the united states i think his comments should be published in full in american newspapers. i also think that any messages that osama bin laden releases should also be published in full here. why? because more than anything, we are in a war of ideas and we cannot win unless we know exactly what people on the other side are saying. besides, there is the POSSIBILITY that bin laden or even ahmadinejad have something to say that has merit. we act as if we, the united states, never do anything wrong, that our ideas, and ours only, have unquestionable merit. it would be very helpful if the american people could read just what other people think of us and why they think that way. when a country is afraid of ideas from elsewhere then that means that their own ideas are built on such a shakey foundation that they will not stand up to the light of day and it seems we are afraid of our critics.

on the same topic, the republican canidates for president, rudy g., john mac, milt r., fred t., and tom t. all refused to speak at the presidental forum at morgan state university. they all claim to have previous commitments. bullshit! this has been on the schedule for months and is one of the major forums for canidates to address concerns and questions from the black community.
while the democrats are more than willing to speak to the black and hispanic communities the republicans want only to talk to white people. the univision republican debate was cancelled because only mc clain was willing to appear. apparently ahmadinejad has more balls than the republicans do; at least he was willing to appear before a hostile audience. the republicans running not only have no ideas they have no courage.

bill o'reilly was surprised that a black run restuarant in new york was "just like any other" and that the black people there did not say "hey motherfucker where is my ice tea." is he a racist? of course he is. unfuckingbelievable. fair and balanced o'reilly. republicans love him. but then again, they don't speak to blacks either.

did the escape story last night and i now have a new long bit. it went just great! the audiences here, while small, are as receptive as any comic could wish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron - look out for a book called 'The Wisdom of Crowds'. Among LOTS of other things it explores your very point that an 'average' population can make far more powerful judgements when it is exposed to wider opinions rather than narrow 'group think.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also - did you ever read Seth Godin's blog? He talks alot about the importance of Stories in any honest attempt to enthuse people.

In particular see this entry where he talks about the 'war of ideas' you mention:

9:22 AM  

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