Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, July 06, 2009

love dem 3's; part two

while calling with small pairs in early position is not something i would recommend as a regular habit, the make-up of the table has to be taken into consideration. if you have a loose passive type of table with little or no raising going on then you can speculate with these giant killers. the day of the four threes, i went back to play that evening after a nap and dinner. lo and behold, i had the right kind of table and there were those 3's again in early position so i call the two dollars. this time i didn't flop 4 of them but did flop a full house! 3-8-8. lordy lordy.
got paid off on that one by someone who had tens but did not raise with them. there is a moral here.

off to see my friend TODD PAUL who has his room at HOOTERS CASINO. todd is a great act, combining comedy, magic and an unicycle. you know, just like my act.

today at the tables i lost 49 dollars and realized that i was not playing my A game so i came home. there is a moral there as well; if you are not playing correctly or if you feel bad or are sick or are tired DON'T PLAY. the game goes on forever, it will be there when you can be your best so go home, take a nap or come back another day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of sharing interesting stories with us from your many years as a professional comedian, you choose instead to bore us with exaggerated claims of your poker triumphs and your infatuation with local sports teams. So you shouldn’t be surprised that you’re now getting few, if any, comments from your readers.

4:35 AM  
Blogger DonkeyFishJim said...

Ron, it's your blog - write what you want. I like the poker comments - keep 'em comin'. Like you, Ron, I'm sick of our current political landscape - so I also enjoy those comments too. Personally, I can't stand cheatin-Manny, so I don't really care about the Dodgers...

If "anonymous" doesn't like it, he/she can go elsewhere and read to his/her heart's content about the latest going's on with Michael Jackson.

8:02 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

liz, nice to hear from you again, you are still your same old negative self. fyi, on the road i hear from dozens and dozens of people who enjoy the poker stories...shame you don't. oh yeah, i couldn't cut it and eventually busted out.

and, if you don't like what i write for god's sake don't read it.

5:50 PM  

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