Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

but what did gibbons know?

just back from poker and with a story to tell: in my very first played hand i had aces under the gun so i raised to 12 dollars (1-2 nl game) and two people went all in, one for his last 60 dollars and another one for his last 120 or so. i, of course, called. here were the hands: first player Ah, Kh, second player Kc,Kd. perfect! flop was amazing A,K,3 no hearts. nice way to start. for the rest of the session, however, i pretty much stayed where i was and came home after a couple of hours with close to 200 dollar win.

so, okay, okay, i can't help myself...more politics.

dick, 5 deferments during vietnam war, cheney is off telling lies about the value of torture and trying to scare people about putting the gitmo prisoners into american supermax prisons. somebody needs to tell this man to shut up. no one has ever nor will ever escape from a supermax prison. as a former prisoner and someone who did manage to escape from l.a. county jail, let me tell you there is NO FUCKING WAY you could get out of one of those joints other than being released or dying. PERIOD.

clinton and gwb are off speaking together. makes one think that all of them are in cahoots together. how could the man who left us a record surplus share the stage with the man who, not only spent that surplus, but then left us with record deficits and an economy in such dire straits that comparisons are being made to the great depression? how could clinton, who gave gwb a security memo that said, OSAMA BIN LADEN IS PLANNING ON ATTACKING THE UNITED STATES BY FLYING AIRPLANES INTO BUILDINGS, and then had that warning ignored stand on the same stage and smile and joke with bush???? could it be that all of our presidents are of the same party, THE WAR PARTY?

methinks that in a real democracy bush would be in the dock along with cheney and rummy. methinks that an invasion of a country which had done nothing to us and was no threat to do anything to us and that invasion lead to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, iraqis dead and millions displaced would be a WAR CRIME. if it is not, please tell me why. and that begs the question of why is obama willing to overlook the past and tell us to focus on the future? we didn't do that at Nuremberg (sp?) nor did we do it with pot pol in cambodia. why is the bush/cheney gang exempt from the law?

i can kind of understand the argument that the photos of the real atrocities committed by american troops in iraq not be released because they would put american troops in more danger but THOSE PHOTOS ARE EVIDENCE OF WAR CRIMES AND WE SHOULD RELEASE THEM AND LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY!!!!!! our troops should not be there in the first place so their argument is flimsy at best. they tell us, "oh those photos would enrage the people there." but what they are really afraid of is that those photos would ENRAGE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. and then, perhaps, we would demand accountability and demand our troops come home. remember, if the reports are right, we are talking about beyond torture to things such as rape, which is, in some states a capital crime and in the rest carries prison sentences in the decades range. if one of our troops raped an iraqi prisoner and we knew about it and did not bring that man to justice then everyone in the chain of command that knew is FUCKING GUILTY. what kind of country are we that we would let this slide?

have you read THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE by gibbons? if not, do so. if you have don't you see the sameness here? the decadence, the looting of the treasury to support foreign wars, the bread and circus (oh we call it tv and sports but it is the same) and how we have alienated entire sections of the world? no? oh well.

go dodgers. lol


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