Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, July 05, 2009

5th of july.

well, a belated happy birthday, america, where, for all its faults, it still is the best place to be. one day, i hope, america will live up to its ideals, where talent and integrity count more than money, where contributions to mankind are looked upon with more favor than contributions to the sporting field. where a mother teresa would get a bigger funeral and farewell than a michael jackson. (not that mj didn't contribute to the world, he did, he wrote some wonderful music and revolutionized the idea of music videos...but you know what i mean.) where financial shenanigans are punished with the same severity as, say, armed robbery. (the motherfuckers of goldman sachs and aig stole their money with a pencil not a gun but they have ruined more lives than all the armed robbers of the last ten decades) a country that has its military only for the purpose of defending our own country and not defending the interests of, say for instance, the oil companies. where we become more like switzerland and less like imperial rome. oh well, one can always hope and dream.

great opinion piece in today's LAS VEGAS SUN by THOMAS FRIEDMAN about how, in olden days, john dillinger didn't steal nearly what the bankers stole and neither did bernie madoff.

on the poker front, today i flopped 4 threes and had two people betting and raising into me. it was a nice pot.

another good opinion piece in the sun by paul krugman who says that obama needs to get off his ass and put more money into job creation.

the republicans must be spinning after s. palin's latest stunt. she resigned to follow a higher path. i think sarah may be high anyway. just think she could have been vice president of the united states. another scary thought: john edwards could have been president.


Blogger Unknown said...

If for nothing else than to spark the debate, someone needs to introduce a bill in congress that will treat financial crimes with the same severity of violent crimes - same sentences, same prisons.

Like Carlin said, start crucifying some of these bankers and these financial crimes will dry up pretty darn quick.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

absolutely! some hard time in a maximum security prison would do them some good as well. i think they are more afraid of the people than they are of death. let 'em meet some really hard core folks to get acquinted with reality.

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another scary thought: obama is president and he's continuing bush's policies. please let your readers know when obama creates some jobs other than joining the army and bombing afghanistan. I dont see that palin and edwards could be any worse.

9:26 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

if you had been reading this regularly, you would surely have noticed that i have already made that point over and over. he is not, in my opinion and in paul krugman's opinion as well, put nearly enough money into job creation. i would recommend a new motto for the administration; IT IS JOBS, STUPID!

however, you go way over the top when you suggest that little slime bucket, edwards, or that slightly batty palin would do no worse. the first would still be fighting over his infidelities and the latter would be spouting inane statements that rambled on and on with no point whatsoever.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

(Boy this is late)

Couldn't agree with you more. I got laid off in January 09, have always been a dem, and am sick of people that walk the walk and don't, you know, the other. I liked Edwards a lot. When he was busted for not keeping his noodle dry I was crushed. Another Clinton, but this time without the power to do any good. Heartbroken, I hoped that Obama would be different. But he's still playing into this bullshit that Republicans in this day and age can be dealt with. That they will work with him for the good of America. Bullshit. And he needs to realize that he has to play hard. I need a job; what I don't need is someone spinning his wheels in the belief that there's no "Blue America" or "Red America". The country has proven itself over the past 10 months that that is not the case.

11:24 PM  

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