Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

smashing assholes, how sweet it is.

i go to the venetian to play but the list is so long that it will be hours before i get in (they are having a tournament and most of the tables were for that) so i go over to mandalay bay where i get into a rock-em, sock-em game with two maniacs and several bad players who are calling station. one of the maniacs has about 900 in front of him which is not bad for a 300 dollar buy-in game and is the time of guy who will raise with anything and push hard with draws; dangerous but potentially profitable. after about a half an hour it is obvious that the guy is an asshole as well. shitty attitude, saying snide remarks to other players, smirking when he wins and bitching if he gets beat. ah, but lo and behold, eventually his wild ways catch up with him and he busts out and on the hand he busts with he has to put in pretty much his last 390 dollars into the pot, he counts out 385 dollars in three stacks and then pushes them over into the pot. dealer says, "you are 5 dollars short." he says that he isn't and makes the dealer restack everything, lay out the bets, etc and the dealers says, "you are still 5 dollars short." he still wants to argue but finally throws in the last five dollars with cuss words to go along. he leaves but we haven't seen the last of him. he goes and gets another 300 and sits back down about an hour later. i get all of that when i flop the nut straight and i sucker him into an all-in bet. it was sweet.

latest issue of rolling stone has scathing article on goldman sachs and how they have been scamming the system for over a hundred years. what motherfuckers these guys are and how they are so entrenched in our government especially in the treasury department. REQUIRED READING FOR THOSE WHO WONDER HOW WE GOT IN THIS MESS. a couple of years ago, i said in this blog that someone once told me the following: "the stock market moves on lies, rumors and bullshit and the only people who make money in the long run were those with insider information." he was the guy who got me to buy travelodge at 8.5 one day and see it go to 12 and 7/8ths the next. he knew of a tender offer that was coming. 50% profit overnight. and goldman sachs apparently does this on a daily basis. cool, huh?

oh well, gotta go. see ya at the tables or in some smokey nightclub on down the line.


Blogger sincityxingyi said...

We have got to deal with these Banksters !!!

Ron Paul wants to audit The Fed, and then ( when their charter is up in 2010) END THE FED !!!

And what does Obama do ? He makes little Timmy Geitner Sec. of the Treasury and he EXPANDS the power of The Federal Reserve Banking Cartel ...

... What The Fuck ???

And the so-called "Cap & Trade" ?

Cap&Trade is a scheme cooked up in a meeting at Goldman Sachs with the guys from Enron !!!


Wake up people, this isn't about left of right, Republican or Demorcrat. This is about Elitist Banksters turning our country into a fuedal society; a feudal society where they are The Lords,and we are the serfs.

You don't believe me ? You think it's about protecting the environment ?

Follow the money ! It goes straight to outfits like Goldman Sachs, General Electric, and ultimatley, to the elitists central bankers.

ARRgghh !

2:04 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

"follow the money" in our society is always the right move...

and by the way, in 2008, obama got 18 MILLION dollars from investment bankers while claiming that his campaign was finaced by we the people. so when push comes to shoveling the money where does it go? why, investment banks.

after reading and rereading the article in RS, i am fully convinced that we have been taken down the path once again. you know that path, we go broke they get rich.

9:59 AM  

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