back again
it has been quite a while since i have "blogged" on this site and the reason was/is that i had run out of words, of thoughts, of comments, of importance (if there ever were any), of humor, of etc. my disappointment with obama and his catering to the military industrial complex (see dwight eisenhower's farewell speech) and his insistance on giving money to the banks without getting money into the pipeline for the american people runs very deep. while i am sure in my heart that we made the right choice for president OF THE THREE WE COULD CHOOSE FROM, he is showing himself to be another puppet of the military. we are NOT getting out of iraq and we have esculated the "war" in afghanastan. while he talks tough with the israelies, we still give them billions of dollars in so-called 'aid' and billions more in military assistance. (gee, why to the muslims hate us?) in the meantime, millions upon millions of our fellow citizens are out of jobs, out of their homes and out of luck. ah well, fuck-em, huh? what happened to the "urgency of now"? NOW is when we need assistance to the citizens. tell it to someone who is out of a job and his children are sick and he has no health care and no money that sometime in 2010 the money for the people will be forthcoming.
with all those thoughts running through my head, i couldn't write. but, my voice is not heard beyond a few dozen people and who the fuck cares what i think about politics anyway? so, i am going back to what i did before the election of 08 and write about my life, poker, my dogs, my wife and other inconsequentual topics.
in the paper today it said that mixed race people were the fastest growing racial group in america. that is great news! mutts are healthier than pure breeds and when you cross races you get the better genes from each. so fuck each other and save the country. if we were all mixed race then racism would no longer exist and if you expand it out for, say, two thousand more years we will all be one race and that would help end wars.
a lot of baseball fans had many bad things to say about juan pierre of the dodgers and how they were paying him too much, he has no arm, is defensive liability, don't need him and so on and so forth but since manny r went down, pierre is hitting over 400 and is scoring runs and batting them in. the dodgers would not be having the season that they are without him. i, on the other hand, have always been a big fan of that little wisp of a man who battles every at bad and can run like the wind. so there you go.
a real shame about mike tyson's little girl. just when iron mike looked as though he was finally getting his shit together this tragedy strikes. tyson is a much more interesting man than people give him credit for. he has always been a mixture of rage and calm, of hate and love and boy and man. if one looks beyond the hype and what other people say and really looks at tyson they will see a different man than is presented in the press. (he has copped to all of his misdeeds with the exception of the rape charge which, to this day, he denies doing and maybe he is right) when he bit holyfields ear he was in one of the dirtest fights ever, holyfield was a very dirty fighter, he just had good press. go back and look at some of his fights and you will see what i mean. tyson basically said that night, 'oh, you want dirty? i'll show you dirty, motherfucker!"
poker is going very well and my win rate is over 65% and my wins are MUCH bigger than my losses. i have a cut off number for losses so i never lose more than that amount on any given day. so i have had 24 wins over 200 and 0 losses of over 200. that makes a big difference.
so, there you are, a new post from the old man.
with all those thoughts running through my head, i couldn't write. but, my voice is not heard beyond a few dozen people and who the fuck cares what i think about politics anyway? so, i am going back to what i did before the election of 08 and write about my life, poker, my dogs, my wife and other inconsequentual topics.
in the paper today it said that mixed race people were the fastest growing racial group in america. that is great news! mutts are healthier than pure breeds and when you cross races you get the better genes from each. so fuck each other and save the country. if we were all mixed race then racism would no longer exist and if you expand it out for, say, two thousand more years we will all be one race and that would help end wars.
a lot of baseball fans had many bad things to say about juan pierre of the dodgers and how they were paying him too much, he has no arm, is defensive liability, don't need him and so on and so forth but since manny r went down, pierre is hitting over 400 and is scoring runs and batting them in. the dodgers would not be having the season that they are without him. i, on the other hand, have always been a big fan of that little wisp of a man who battles every at bad and can run like the wind. so there you go.
a real shame about mike tyson's little girl. just when iron mike looked as though he was finally getting his shit together this tragedy strikes. tyson is a much more interesting man than people give him credit for. he has always been a mixture of rage and calm, of hate and love and boy and man. if one looks beyond the hype and what other people say and really looks at tyson they will see a different man than is presented in the press. (he has copped to all of his misdeeds with the exception of the rape charge which, to this day, he denies doing and maybe he is right) when he bit holyfields ear he was in one of the dirtest fights ever, holyfield was a very dirty fighter, he just had good press. go back and look at some of his fights and you will see what i mean. tyson basically said that night, 'oh, you want dirty? i'll show you dirty, motherfucker!"
poker is going very well and my win rate is over 65% and my wins are MUCH bigger than my losses. i have a cut off number for losses so i never lose more than that amount on any given day. so i have had 24 wins over 200 and 0 losses of over 200. that makes a big difference.
so, there you are, a new post from the old man.
Now that you can see that puppets may come and go, but the puppet masters remain the same; why not rail against the puppet masters?
Who are they ?
Follow the money !
What do you think of Ron Paul's bill to require an audit of The Federfal Reserve Banking Cartel ?
How far would that go to waking the sleeping massess ?
I don't buy into this Left/Right, Republican/Democrat Kabuki Dance.
Jesse Ventura got it right when he said, "politics today is the same as professional wrestling".
Bread and Circus; while the constitution burns.
I only speak in broad strokes here, but for now let's just keep it simple, and like the hero in a who-dun-it ... "just follow the money".
saw your show in arlinton a couple of weeks ago, thought the crowd turnout sucked, but the old man still rocked the house!!! You did a special bit for me at the late show on saturday nite about how you broke your ankle/foot. It really means alot that not only do you remember your loyal fans, but you take time before or after the show to talk to them. a quality that is lacking with a lot of entertainers this day and age. i just want to let you know that as long as you keep coming to arlington/fort worth i wiill always be at one of the shows!know matter how shitty of a day/week i may have, its refreshing to know that when ron shock is in town i can go to a show and laugh my ass off and forget all my troubles for a couple of hours.
Just a side bout that joan rivers showing all those young ones on celebrity apprentice that she is still a force in the business...the old girl has still got it!!! by the way i first became a "shock" fan by seeing you on showtimes comedy all stars hosted by....joan rivers!!
til next time...........
your girraffe lady/purple princess
youre right you shouldnt be writing about politics. obama was the worst choice of what we had because he gave people false hope. an iraqi mother should feel good because her children got murdered by a nice man.putting a nice face on the slaughter is the worst possible option and only serves to prolong our national nightmare. we have a nice and eloquent george w bush now and a puppy in the white house.
not voting at all was the best option. not playing their fucking game was the only choice. you voted for obama and its your mess. take responsibility.
I don't know Soto, - John McCain would be just as bad as Obama; but I agree that the cult of personality that has grown up around Obama is disturbing ...
... the night he won the election, "groups" of young people were fast-walking through the casinos, raising thier fists in the air, and chanting. Now granted, they were just young, enthusiastic voters that were pumped up because their guy won, but ...
...their fast walking in unison, was remaniciant of "goose-stepping" and it was not just a little bit CREEPY.
I don't blame anyone for voting for Obama, - (anyone who was a life-long Democrat).
And I don't blame any life -long Conservative for voting Bush ( the first time around). After all, he campaigned for:
1. Less government
2. He promised not to continue down the path of Woodrow Wilsonian nation building.
But if you voted for him the 2nd time around, you really need to admit that you were not thinkning for yourself, - or using Conservative Values as your guide.
By the time of BUSH vs KERRY, - if you couldn't see that both sides were bought and paid for by the same Elites, for the same purposes; you were living in a political fanstasy world, - no different than a sports fans dream world, where their team always wins the big game.
Republicans have had their rude awakening, - and now it's the Democrats turn.
And now it's time to vote (almost) all of the bums out. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are men of principal, and maybe a dozen others, but by-and-large, the rest of the bums are bought and paid for by The Elites , and they need to be thrrown out of office,...
...right along with Barck "The Messiah" Obama !!!
Common Sense !!!
okay, i personally take responsibity for the election of obama. why don't you take responsibility for your debts?
sincity, mc cain would have been much worse. dennis k. and ron p. are men of convictions. both had policy proposals of which a few were good (end the war on drugs) and most were bad but at least they were honest men and seem to be un-paid-for.
i don't know if i was fooled by obama or obama was fooled by others.
liz (soto) did have a very good point in that a "nice" man murdering your child is, in its way, even worse than having the child murdered by an obvious thug or bully.
it seems to me that we need to do away with the "party" politics and start, somehow or another, finding men and women of great and good character and of large ideas, who have true love of country and get them to run for office. as long as we keep either a dem or a repub in we seem to get the same old, same old when it comes to wars.
not voting is idiotic, hey, liz vote socialistic next time. or green party or the communists. but vote.
Yes, we should pay off our debts, and the best way to do that is the way "Old Hickory" did it ... he abolished The PRIVATE Central Bank, and had it's role replaced by The Treasury Department. Lincoln issued "Greenbacks" and the Civil War Debt was payed off in short order, ( of course the European Central Bankers had him wacked for it - but "Greenbacks" worked).
In the rigged politcal system we currently have, The Repubs borrow and spend; while The Dems tax and spend. WE HAVE TO STOP TAXING & WE HAVE TO STOP BORROWING...
I'm sorry, but we have to bite the bullet and suffer some pain, - we have to take responsibility for our own health, and our own education; WE HAVE TO WEAN OURSELVES OFF OF THE GOVERNMENT TEAT !!!
Federal Reserve Notes are not backed by gold, - they are backed by DEBT !
No debt, no money...
... how fucking absurd is that ?
But it is the truth.
But that is way out of indentured servatude - get rid of debt, get rid of "The Fed".
Obama is doing the bidding of the globalist bankers, and leading us down the road to economic fascism, we can halt this slide down the slippery slope, but only if we are each and every one of us are willing to experience some pain.
that's my $.02
sincity, you are fast becoming one of my favorite commentators on this blog. keep it up, you have good thoughts, good ideas and they are well put.
after reading WEB OF DEBT and THE SHOCK DOCTRINE your points are even more valid. the banks are, in a way, the enemy and we need to take back our own money.
p.s. if any of you reading this have not read those books do yourself a favor and do so.
Thanks Ron, - WEB OF DEBT and SHOCK DOCTRINE are on my reading list; right now I'm reading: An Introduction to Austrian Economics by thomas C. Taylor ...
... on order, and coming in the mail I have:
The Betryal of The American Right by Murray N. Rothbard
Ain't My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservativism and Middle American Anti-Imperialism by Bill Kauffman
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