Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

just some thoughts to lighten up your day

the reason i have not written anything here for quite some time is that my mind has been spinning and my thoughts have been scattered. i find myself worrying more and more about my country and the direction it is heading. all empires collapse and our time may have come. our karma is bad and maybe the piper of history wants to be paid and paid NOW. the saddest part is that we started so well with such fine ideas and even finer ideals. life and liberty and freedom and justice for all (except the slaves of course, but why quibble?) then, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, we freed the slaves and kept the union. but to do what? kill the indians? steal land from mexico? import chinese and make them slaves to build the railroads? get involved in foreign wars? make us a land for the rich and everyone else be damned?

you read our REAL history, not the namby pamby claptrap that is fed our children, and you read a history of greed and corruption, of conquest and exploitation, of rewarding dishonesty and crushing honest dissent. we are feared and hated around the world and for good reason. we use the poor of africa to experiment on with our new drugs, we prop up dictatorships in central america so we can rape the land, we use the so-called "war on drugs" to justify a police state here at home. could you or i find a totally honest politician among our current crop? probably not. i can't name one. (obama was my last great hope but he has reneged on so many of his promises that he is beginning to seem like same old, same old, just with a different colored face. maybe his goals were pure but he is kowtowing to the same old forces, the banks, the military, the pharmaceutical companies, the rich and the powerful. we are not out of iraq nor do we plan on being so, we are shifting wars but not ending them, bailing out banks but forgetting the people. where are the jobs? were are the public works? where is the relief to the people?) our founding fathers were giants and now we have gnats.

now we are having arguments over whether or not torture should be used in the pursuit of national security. man oh man. if we torture ONE PERSON we are different from nazi germany only in degrees. we still are the ONLY country to use an atomic bomb. and not only did we use it, we used it on CIVILIANS. the first, on Hiroshima could be explained but the second on Nagasaki was mass murder. oh, that is not what WE call it, it is only what EVERYONE ELSE calls it and what history will call it. so what the hell, if we are mass murderers then we might as well torture huh?

we have raped our planet and one day mother nature will have her due. be it global warming or pandemics or whatever that piper is going to be paid as well. all we, that's you and me, can hope for is that it doesn't happen in our lifetimes. but, that would mean our children are fucked.

so, aren't you glad i am writing again? always nice to have a comic to lighten up the day.


Anonymous JimGaliano said...

When the original Roman Empire began decaying from the inside out, a bunch of Barbarians swarmed in and attacked. Soon, everything was a burning rubble of a mess and it wasn't long until the dark ages followed with disease, death, lifespan's of 30+ years at best.

Definitely a "dark spot" in recorded history. Then the renaissance followed and civilization became civilization again.

It seems that every empire eventually goes bankrupt by overexpanding beyond what they're capable of maintaining. Hopefully, if we are following the same path, a type of modern dark ages isn't around the corner.

Like lightning striking in the forrest and burning a bunch of crap down so it can build up again, nature's cycle of tear down to build up seems to reflect itself in human history as well.

I believe we're already in a World Wide Depression as we speak. It's not going to happen, it's here.

The credit system is the only thing left masking the severity of the problem. The bottom line is, the whole world owes more than it can pay right now. Like buying a car and owing more than it's worth, we're "upside down" monetarily speaking.

Some of my friends worry about us getting attacked by China, Russia or someone else from "over there."

But the truth is, no one could afford to supply troops to occupy much of anything right now. They're all broke.

I agree that people need to speak up and be aware of what's going. If peaceful masses of people can't get results, they'll be replaced by violent masses instead

8:08 AM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

My parents bought a new house for around 30,000 when I was 7 (i'm 40 now) They had a phone bill, hydro bill, car and mortgage payment.

My wife and I bought a USED house a year and half ago for 160,000
We have a Phone/internet bill, cell phone bill, hydro bill, satellite TV bill, mortgage payment (car payment is done....for now)
Grocery's cost more today, gas cost more today Etc Etc.

We have more, but we don't make enough to cover it all.

looks like the party is over, it's been a blast folks.

10:40 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

jim, your last sentence said it all. thanks for writing.

a.p., our real wages have been stagnent since 2000 while prices continue up. only the rich can afford america whereas at one time, as you said, the so-called "american dream" actually was possible for the average guy.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Yvonne said...

Hey Ron, you forgot to mention how we make pirates of Somalis while we troll their waters and steal their resources and dump our toxic wastes.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

yvonne, you are absolutely right. the world acts as though the somali "pirates" are just that, pirates, when, in fact, they are doing what you and i would do if we were in their place. we have raped the land and now we are raping the seas.

9:54 AM  

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