Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, March 28, 2009


MATT TAIBBI (who is a great writer) has an article in the april 2nd issue titled THE BIG TAKEOVER in which he lays out a case that "the global economic crisis isn't about money--it is about POWER. How wall street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution." it is fucking scary. he names names and takes us through a step by step explanation of how these bastards are basically taking over the government. (which is merely an extension of the ideas laid out in WEB OF DEBT). read it and weep.

we are so fucked, my friends. however, one of these day, this year, next year or 50 years from now, there will be a worldwide revolution of the people. throughout history, one theme has remained constant, the battle between the people and royalty. the kings always wanted to do no work yet get 98% of the proceeds from work. now the kings and queens have morphed into the international banks and corporations but the battle is the same. as RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE said, CLASS WARFARE--JUST DO IT.

see every time someone brings up class warfare it is shouted down by the powers that be. BUT CLASS WARFARE IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW. the rich have gotten richer and we have gotten poorer. hmmmm. the deck is stacked for the banks and corporations. when they get into a mess, such as right now, we, the people, fools that we are, bail them out. "hey peons, give us your money" "oh, yessir, massa, yessir, we'se gonna bail yer ass out again, oh yessir massa, yessir. whatever you say, massa" you see, to the ultra rich, we are all niggers. just slaves to the machine. the black people know this but haven't been able to convince their white brothers and sisters that THE MAN is not on any one's side except his own.

AS GWB SAID TO A GROUP OF ULTRA RICH SUPPORTERS, "SOME MAY CALL YOU THE HAVE MORES BUT I CALL YOU MY CONSTITUENCY" since he took office in 01, real wages have gone down and the rich have gotten MUCH MORE RICH. check it out.

and obama is playing right into their hands. whether it is on purpose or not, i don't know but, my friends, we are fucked. my hope is that the american people will come out of their self induced stupor and really get mad. i mean REALLY GET MAD. the old I AM MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!" speak up, let us have a peaceful revolution of the people before we have to have a violent one. when there are 30 million homeless in america it will be too late for peaceful means. act now. we have been stupid and greedy and blind and uninformed for way too long. the net allows to contact our fellow citizens, obama showed us that if he does nothing else. "yes we can" shouldn't just apply to his campaign but to us the people; yes, we can make a difference but not by being silent, not by being afraid, not by being blind. open your eyes. then open your mouth.

and a happy saturday to you.

p.s. watched SOUTH PACIFIC on PBS last night as it was performed at CARNEGIE HALL on the GREAT PERFORMANCES series. it was so good. reba mcintyre played nellie furbush. each performer had the script book in their hands, so it wasn't like the original play but it still was an amazing piece of work. from our front room, rhonda and i gave it a standing ovation at the end. check it out.

tonight we go see LOVE. i can hardly wait, it should be great.


Blogger Sevesteen said...

This is why I'm a libertarian. Governments collect power. They take our money at gunpoint so they can buy more guns, and more people to point them at us. I don't see much difference in the end results between the Democrats and Republicans, just the path used to get there. Democrats are more likely to associate with a corrupt union leader, Republicans a corrupt CEO.

The problem that I see is that true libertarians are hampered by ethics, and people attracted to libertarian ideas aren't likely to be the kind of political wheeler-dealers who can become successful and influential in the current system.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

sevesteen, i have a friend who reads my blogs and the comments and she wishes you would run for office.

i once read a book "indespensible enemies" by an author whose name escapes me but the premise was that no matter who gets elected the real power structure stays the same. the author used some counties in kansas as an example. see if you can find that book and read will like it.

i am beginning to believe that we are really, truly fucked.

and yes, those government guns are pointed at us.


9:00 AM  
Blogger Art said...

George Carlin had a great piece on that very subject that is on YouTube as "The Owners of This Country." Definitely worth looking at.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Gidget said...

Our country is in for a reckoning.
those in power have forgotton that we were founded as a "City On a Hill." We were the outcasts, the renegades, and the rouges. We were supposed to be a light and refuge to the world.

We much like the Empire of Rome has become bloated with our own power. We have been showered with such abundance that we believe it is our birthright.

Entitlement is not pretty, nor is it helpful.

Our birthright in the most affluent country in the world is to be responsible with all we have been entrusted with.

We should help our fellows, check on the little kids and the old folks down the street.

People are dying of starvation, dehydration, and mutilation in this world today and we complain about the price of gas.

We do not know what true hardship is.
I fear our lesson is coming.

Empires do not last. Protection, versus production makes us like a child that can't get to his candy in the jar because he is grabbing too much- and will not let it go.
We will implode on our power and greed.
Is is the way human nature works.
There is nothing new under the sun.

3:25 PM  

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