pssst. afghanistan is not a country. pass it on.
anback to winning ways, making it 9 out of last 10 at the venetian. small win but will take it. so, for 3 days of basically no cards, i still won a minor amount and that is good. minimizing losses and all...
rhonda has put me on face book but it all seems rather silly to me. not to be rude, but why would someone put on the net that "am bored."? "going to store" ?? eating a cookie, wiping their ass etc etc? this is not networking but i don't know quite what to call it. maybe it has some value as far as introducing people to me and my comedy but we haven't figured out how to make it work in that direction. i have no desire to skim through several hundred messages, most of which are trivial in content on any kind of regular basis. oh well, maybe i am missing something. if you know of a way to put it to work...enlighten me.
i have a very close and dear friend who thinks that obama is a demon and is going to bring the country down. i do surely hope they are wrong. i am, however, getting more nervous by the day with not only his appointments but now i see he is going to put even more troops in Afghanistan.
one of the real problems that we have in dealing with Afghanistan is that the united states keeps on acting as if Afghanistan was a COUNTRY. it is not. it is a collection of war lords and tribes that live in that part of the world. they don't think of themselves as afghans so why should we think of them as such? get out of that hell hole. and for that fact, get out TOTALLY from iraq. yes, it is going to descend into violence as the shiites fight the sunnis, the sunnis fight the shiites, the arabs fight the kurds, the persians fight the arabs and the kurds, the kurds fight the arabs, the shiites, the sunnis, the persians and the turks. AND WE WANT TO STAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT? jesus.
want peace? want to eliminate so-called islamic terrorism? GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST! it is the one and only way. there is no other way. duh. we and the british have been fucking around there since world war one. and incidentally, the jews didn't take isreal from the Palestinians, they took it from the british who took it from the Palestinians. duh. our fingerprints are all over the wars and conflicts of the middle east and while the people of that region know this the people of america do not.
want to live in peace?
get out of the middle east.
rhonda has put me on face book but it all seems rather silly to me. not to be rude, but why would someone put on the net that "am bored."? "going to store" ?? eating a cookie, wiping their ass etc etc? this is not networking but i don't know quite what to call it. maybe it has some value as far as introducing people to me and my comedy but we haven't figured out how to make it work in that direction. i have no desire to skim through several hundred messages, most of which are trivial in content on any kind of regular basis. oh well, maybe i am missing something. if you know of a way to put it to work...enlighten me.
i have a very close and dear friend who thinks that obama is a demon and is going to bring the country down. i do surely hope they are wrong. i am, however, getting more nervous by the day with not only his appointments but now i see he is going to put even more troops in Afghanistan.
one of the real problems that we have in dealing with Afghanistan is that the united states keeps on acting as if Afghanistan was a COUNTRY. it is not. it is a collection of war lords and tribes that live in that part of the world. they don't think of themselves as afghans so why should we think of them as such? get out of that hell hole. and for that fact, get out TOTALLY from iraq. yes, it is going to descend into violence as the shiites fight the sunnis, the sunnis fight the shiites, the arabs fight the kurds, the persians fight the arabs and the kurds, the kurds fight the arabs, the shiites, the sunnis, the persians and the turks. AND WE WANT TO STAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT? jesus.
want peace? want to eliminate so-called islamic terrorism? GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST! it is the one and only way. there is no other way. duh. we and the british have been fucking around there since world war one. and incidentally, the jews didn't take isreal from the Palestinians, they took it from the british who took it from the Palestinians. duh. our fingerprints are all over the wars and conflicts of the middle east and while the people of that region know this the people of america do not.
want to live in peace?
get out of the middle east.
Facebook huh? I just added you so you can see how ugly I am now.
You might find it fun with a regular page just don't publicize that one too much. What you need is a FAN page. Then the next time you have a gig it tells all your fans where you'll be playing. I think that's what your trying to do.
so, j.t., how do i do a "fan" page?
rhonda will probably be able to figure it out but i am helpless and hopeless when it comes to this stuff. (and to think that i was one of the very first people in the world to know how to program a computer.)
I don't really get the "going to the store" part of facebook, but it is kind of fun hooking up with people you used to know. I'm not sure what good it is for a performer--it doesn't seem well suited for publicity.
I also hope your friend is wrong--We survived Bush, and I don't think Obama will be that much worse...
Michael Yon is a freelance reporter who embeds with the military in Iraq and Afghanistan. In his eyes, we've done a good job in Iraq, but mainstream media concentrates on the failures, and relies too much on stringers with an anti-American agenda.
He thinks Afghanistan is going to wind up in absolute disaster.
Your blog is a good enough fan page, Ron. The posts will index you throughout google, yahoo, etc.
If you had one site where someone could buy and download mp3's of some of your comedy sketches, see where you'll be next, etc. that's about the closest thing you'll need.
I do this for a living and my electricity is still on - so I've gotta be good, right?
I saw you in Sarasota a month or so back. Had a good time! Thanks!
A few of my sites are and and
If you set up a WordPress Blog I would work like this one and have the full domain name visible instead of the "blogger" tag, too.
Back to what you said about Obama. The late Senator Huey Long from Louisiana said "The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is, one skins from the ear down, the other from the ankle up."
At least one part's getting a rest.
I sent an email explaining a bit more to your cox account.
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