Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

it's the congress, stupid.

$807,500 for nevada fair housing foreclosure effort
$507,000 access to healthcare network for uninsured
523,000 to fight hepatitis c
$ 1 million to assist the university of nevada health sciences nursing program
856,000 to school system to school district to prevent dropout
856,000 to another school district for same thing
800,000 for university of nevada reno for agricultural related programs
269,000 to help carson city battle erosion
300,000 to city of fernley for law enforcement equipment
235,000 to nevada dept. of agriculture for weed control
4.78 million for truckee meadows flood control project
2.5 million for truckee canal reconstruction
3 million for water treatment at lake tahoe
18 million for rural nevada water infrastructure and water quality projects
money to study wildlife habitat in central nevada lakes and to restore the lahonthon cutthroat trout population
608,000 to help wells recover from earthquake
150,000 to restore a church
475,000 for the virginia and truckee railroad
190,000 for amargosa valley community center
300,000 for wastewater treatment in goldfield
190,000 for community center in elko
285,000 truckee meadows community college low income student recruitment
1.5 million for interpretive center in elko
24,000 to help poor schoolchildren in lincoln county
381,000 for nevada cancer institute to fund hope coach mammovans

how many jobs do these projects create? and the ones that are created, how long will they last?

while each of these is commendable in a way, they are not what we need. WE NEED SOME FUCKING GOOD PAYING LONG LASTING JOBS!!! jesusfuckingchrist. without jobs for the unemployed all other things are just farting in the wind.

this is just a partial list and god only knows what is in the "stimulus bill" for other states. i know that obama has said that these PORK projects only make up 1% of the overall bill but i don't believe him. i believe that the congress in general and the demos in particular are loading this up with enough pork to choke us all. obama promised no more pork but he has gone back on his word.

i told all of you why i was voting for obama and i also told you that i would bitch and moan if he didn't live up to his promises. well, i am beginning to bitch and moan.

the treasury secretary, gaither (sp), sounds like he has no clue as to what he is doing.

congress must be reigned in. the democrats, now that they control congress, are acting like children in the candy store and showing no restraint at all. fuck.

write your congressperson and DEMAND no more pork and DEMAND that it is jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs that get the money.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You campaigned for Obama. You spouted off numerous reasons for why we should vote for him. We tried to warn you, and you wouldn't listen. So STFU.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

dear anonymous,

i don't know what STFU means but i am sure it is not a compliment. i also said that if he didn't live up to his oratory i would be the first to bitch. and i am.

by the same token, he is still so much better than johnny mac would have been that there is no comparison. mc cain would cut taxes for the rich and then go hide.

let us be real here. obama inherited a shit storm and there are no easy answers, not for him, not for mc cain, not for the country.

warned me about what?

3:53 PM  

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