Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, September 07, 2007

the top goes down and so does senator craig

now in atlanta, coast to coast comedy tour with sarasota next and then vancouver for the comedy festival up there, then to salt lake city. i am racking up those frequent flyer miles!

when i fly and rent a car i almost always get the smallest, cheapest car but this time i rented a mustang convertable for this two week trip. much better. reminds me why i have always loved rag tops, having owned quite a few including 4 alfa romero's. open road, top down, stoned, music on, no better way to travel. weather is nice and i have several days off before i go down to sarasota so i may take mr. mustang over to the coast and see savannah again, it is such a trippy little town, beautiful and quaint and full of american history. besides i know a great restuarant on an island right off the coast there. fresh seafood and crab cakes all with a southern flair.

if you want to see me at a comedy club better do it in the next several months because i think i am going to be cutting back quite a bit on my road trips in 08. i need to finish the book and rhonda just got a big raise so we don't need for me to work all of the time. probably nothing other than one or two gigs in the first quarter and nothing at all next summer. going to spend my time writing and playing poker. my friend, eric lambert, wants to book me on a college speaking tour which would pay much more than the clubs do and i think i have a message that college kids need to hear. too many times in young lives, people are quite adament about telling them just what they should do with their life and i want to tell them that they themselves should be the sole decider about how they spend their time here on earth and to find that thing that they truly love and do it. the Creator provides every thing with the ability to be itself in its fullest. the thing you love is the thing you will do well and if you are doing that thing which you were created to do, then you will be taken care of. i am living proof of this. while it may sound mystical or, god forbid, "new age", it is actually something that i have spent the last 35 years of my life studying and contemplating and i believe i can prove my hypothisis to anyone with an open mind. it is easier to get young people to understand than older people; why? because the older we get the more we think we know and, i am here to tell you, most of what we think we know is wrong but it is much harder to convince someone in their 40's or 50's of this because they have so much of their life invested in their beliefs. while i started anew in my 40's when i finally came to the conclusion that i had been wrong about almost everything, it is very difficult to do at a late age. not impossible, just difficult. i have almost given up on trying to teach what i know to anyone over 30. it seems that people would rather stay unhappy and unfulfilled than to examine their core beliefs with an open and critical mind. they just know they are right even when all the evidence points to them being wrong. it is that 'old dog--new tricks' syndrome.

oh well, will save this particular sermon for the book.

just what did senator craig hope to accomplish in a very public restroom by tapping his foot, touching the foot of the person next to him and then moving his hand back and forth under the divider? what could he possibly have done in that very public restroom? apparently it did not have a "glory hole" (and if you don't know what that means.....i don't want to be the one who tells you) so how did he expect to get 'anything' done? was he trying to get someone to go with him to somewhere else? so that they could get blown by a senator? maybe so, they (the senators and representatives) are all fucking us anyway. what a trip, to get blown by a senator.
even i haven't had that. (i did get a blow job by a female cop but that is not in the same ballpark)

my college pick of the week: tennesse to cover against southern mississsippi.

dodgers are not out of it yet. will watch them tonight against the giants and old giant bubble head himself, b. bonds. what exercise did he do that added to the size of his head? hmmm

i wonder if hillary gives good head. bet she does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Creator is sure taking care of all the iraqi children torn to shreds by our state of the art cluster bombs.
obviously they weren't created to do anything much not anymore.
you are the living proof that life is a lottery. bro, by a stroke of luck you were born a white american not a raghead.
by this blog it seems the only life you have improved is your own.

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me and many of my friends up here in Idaho think that Senator Craig is getting a raw deal. He was obviously set up by Democrats, who probably planted a person with cute feet in that stall next to his. This is clearly entrapment- from top to bottom, from head to toe (or is it from toe to head?)

I also thought I would enlighten your readers with an explanation of the term "glory hole". This refers to a hole in the ground which is ideally suited for planting and growing potatoes. It's like a mother lode for carbohydrates. You find a glory hole, and you can kiss that potatoe famine goodbye! I've been looking for one for a long time, but so far no luck.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...


when a child is killed in iraq or rwanda or in the desire street projects in new orleans that child is my child and yours. i can only help that child by doing what i can by speaking out. was i lucky to be born a "white american"?, fuck yes. and then i was a white american with a prison record and no education but yet managed to "make something of myself" and i ask you, was that luck as well? are the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have come up to me after a show and said, "you really helped me tonight, made me laugh when my life was going to shit and i thank you for it." just blowing smoke or did i really bring some light into their darkness at the time. over the years, people who either worked for me in the past or attended one of my speaches have approached me and told me that i changed their lives for the better. are they just stroking me?
if i help some young person to find what they really love doing and encourage them to do it am i just farting in the wind?

you strike me as being someone who thinks that life is just to die and does not believe in any kind of hereafter. if that is what you believe, then there is nothing i can say or do to convince you otherwise. i also would gather that you yourself are not the happiest of people, your letter reeks of unhappiness. you attack someone who professes to wanting to try to help make this a better place to live. with your attitude may i suggest either therapy or suicide.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup people who dont believe in the hereafter need therapy or suicide
and thats why we need you to preach this to college kids
attack someone who makes a valid point
i ask again: how is the Creator looking after the children of iraq?

no fanatic ever has an answer, god bless america

ps.if your such a big success why cant you afford to live in california? ive lived here all my life and dont depend on my wife for promotions. i believe in providing for her and the kids because the creator wont.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

nope, didn't say that, said you sounded "unhappy." i actually said, "with your attitude"
gosh, if you are going to argue, argue with what i say.


never said (once again) i was a big "success". nor did i equate success with money. i would have to work more to live in california. i can work 15-20 weeks a year and we have plenty. that gives me 37-32 weeks OFF to devote to something else other than just the making of money.

the Creator no more takes care of the children in iraq than it takes care of you or me. what? you think a devine creator would get involved in personal affairs or international politics or wars? that you think i believe in some guy somewhere who is watching every little thing and everybody? you put words in my mouth and beliefs in my mind that a. i did not say and b. do not believe.
no where did i say that the creator would take care of me or anyone else, i said "you would be taken care of." those are my words from the blog. i believe in action and reaction. i believe the universe works in rational ways, that like begats like and every action has an equal or greater reaction. that by doing what we are uniquely equiped to do we perform actions that in turn create reactions. is that fanantical to you? physicists must be fanantical then.

however, if someone somewhere does something to try to help that child in iraq could that person be, so to speak, doing devine work? to believe in one is to believe in all. we are not seperate from that child is what i am trying to say, that we are all in this together, like it or not, and that we each do what WE can and not count on a "god" to do it for us. just to do for one's own self and one's family is, in it's way, a failure as a member of the human family.

as far as my wife getting a promotion; should i tell my very professional and successful cpa wife to not work? turn down a big raise so that i could be the hunter and gatherer? really?

so, your comment about your "valid" point is, you might say, invalid.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous I,

I'm still trying to comprehend your atrocious grammar. Were you raised by dyslexic wolves?

Or perhaps your parents told you to always fight against sin and taxes, and you took that to mean syntax.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous.
Here's a proper sentence:
Please do fuck off.

Ron's speaking more truth here than any ten politicians (or right wing radio hosts) I've ever heard. Pay attention and you might learn something.

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am up north again, would have been good to see you one more time as you were so close to the mountain hang out but I left, a long story.
Sermon, there might be more open minds available than you think, not all disagreement comes from a closed mind. New Age a bunch of middle age middle class women that think they have it all figured out.
The market for truth is like all markets buyers and sellers both are needed for the thing to work, maybe in philosophy varied opinions are required to be the truth. Opinions and the holders of those opinions change. Today 15 people like vanilla tomorrow 20 do but six of the original 15 bought chocolate,same preference ,new people. We all act individually and so we think unique, collect data and we are tribal not individual and we change tribes or teams.
Do well in Vancouver as I have somewhat of an interest in the video of best dope story.Mike

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear sm,

The true Creator will spite arogant bastadrs like you. Don't you dare lecture me ever again. I listen to the Lord I have your know. I learn sonmething there, I tell you now, and Ill have ytou know!!!!!

9:02 PM  

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