Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

seven partners?

70 some-odd people here in dayton got a great show last night... maybe the best show i have done in months. anytime i get two long stories in, it has been a good show, and last night i did WORLD'S GREATEST DOPE STORY and in the middle of the set i did JAN AND HOWARD, which, if you have not seen it, is the story of how i got caught in bed with the wife of a jealous hillbilly from west virginia who carried a load .45 with him at all times. as i said to the audience, don't judge me until you hear the story and ask yourself: what would you have done in the exact same situation? that story is not on any of the c.d.'s but will probably be on the next one. but, back to the show last night, the audience was just great and if any of you are reading this, thank you very much for coming out, you made the show not me.

today's paper had an article which said that the average male has had 7 sexual partners in his life. i have had more than that in one memorable night in australia. seven? fuck, i have lived with 6 women. the average woman, according to this article, had 4 partners in their life. i have a feeling that some women didn't answer that question honestly probably because, even today in the 21st century, there is a stigma on a woman who admits to having a lot of partners. it would be a damn shame if a woman only had sex with 4 men in her lifetime. 4 at a time would be cool but 4 in a lifetime would be waaaaaaay too few. (i guess there are some couples who met at an early age and fell madly in love and stayed with each other over a lifetime and hence had no other sexual partners and that would lower the averages but in reality that doesn't happen all that much. for those couples though, my hat is off to you and i am glad you were able to pull that off, so to speak) so, girls, if you have had less than 4, get busy! enjoy! my time of running around and jumping from bed to bed is over, since i am quite happy with my marriage and rhonda keeps me quite frisky at home, so i am not going to be able to help out with the averages, but one of you guys is going to have to pick up the slack. so to speak.

nothing much to say on this saturday morning so i will say good-bye for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would certainly like to see the demographics on this one (red vs. blue states, for example). And does this take into account the sibling factor?

3:26 PM  

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