surging forward
if they hate us because of our freedoms, how come they haven't attacked switzerland? or sweden? or norway? or germany? or ireland? but if they hate us because we keep meddling in the middle east wouldn't that explain why they only attack us and britain? (well, now scotland as of today, but the new british pm is scotish) but who are you to believe; george w. bush or your common sense?
the surge is working quite well. the last three months have been the deadliest for our troops since the war began. the only thing gwb has accomplished with this "surge" is increased american casualities, more american mothers and fathers grieving, more wives crying, more children left without a father. and george keeps on smirking.
i really believe that the republican followers of george the mad just don't read the papers anymore. they just listen to their little right wing racist radio filling the airways with lies and rumors and attacks and fear-mongering (gotta be afraid of those mexican-muslim-terrorist-homosexual-commie-liberals-niggers who all hate us for our goodness and our pure white blood lines) they remind me so much of the character in doctor strangelove who kept talking about the commies "wanting to take our precious bodily fluids." they are seemingly so afraid that they have made themselves insane.
the sunnis kill the shiites
the shiites kill the sunnis
the sunnis and the shiites kill the kurds
the kurds kill the sunnis, shiites and the turks
let's get in the middle of this
and make this surge work.
we built a fence on the border but ended up putting the fence in mexico
now we have to tear it down
and build it again ten feet this away
by the way, has new orleans been rebuilt yet? are the levies fixed? have the people come back?
oh well, i am off to mesquite, nevada to do some comedy. lol.
the surge is working quite well. the last three months have been the deadliest for our troops since the war began. the only thing gwb has accomplished with this "surge" is increased american casualities, more american mothers and fathers grieving, more wives crying, more children left without a father. and george keeps on smirking.
i really believe that the republican followers of george the mad just don't read the papers anymore. they just listen to their little right wing racist radio filling the airways with lies and rumors and attacks and fear-mongering (gotta be afraid of those mexican-muslim-terrorist-homosexual-commie-liberals-niggers who all hate us for our goodness and our pure white blood lines) they remind me so much of the character in doctor strangelove who kept talking about the commies "wanting to take our precious bodily fluids." they are seemingly so afraid that they have made themselves insane.
the sunnis kill the shiites
the shiites kill the sunnis
the sunnis and the shiites kill the kurds
the kurds kill the sunnis, shiites and the turks
let's get in the middle of this
and make this surge work.
we built a fence on the border but ended up putting the fence in mexico
now we have to tear it down
and build it again ten feet this away
by the way, has new orleans been rebuilt yet? are the levies fixed? have the people come back?
oh well, i am off to mesquite, nevada to do some comedy. lol.
What we've managed to become is the very basic, rudimentary-level "common enemy against which to unite."
What do the Sunnis and Shiites want more than to kill each other? They want us the fuck out of their country?
What do the Sunnis and Shiites want more than to kill Al Qaeda? They want us the fuck out of their country.
You can write this in 3-inch type: If we leave Iraq, Al Qaeda won't last a month there. It wasn't welcome before we invaded, and the Sunnis and Shiites don't want it there now.
And, while we're at it: Iran is full of progressive groups who are tired of the governing body in that country, AND who have the money and knowhow to overthrow the government. So what's keeping them from doing that? Why, a common enemy against which to unite, of course.
It's playground psychology. If you were in school and you didn't like other kids from the school on the playground, you kick them out. ... UNLESS some kids from an outside school show up. Then you, and the kids you don't like, all band together against the outsiders.
It's just like that.
Only with billions of oil dollars and millions of lives playing the roles of "expendable pawns" in the game.
i got expelled from the second grade for organizing the first and second graders against the third graders who were taking over our playground. i think it was not only the organizing that pissed the good nuns off but my suggestion that we arm ourselves with rocks and sticks that pushed them over the edge. i have always had a little problem with authorities and bullies.
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