paris, water, creationists, dodgers and treason
the republicans have a new tactic; they are running against george w. bush.
there are 150 people working in THE WHITE HOUSE who graduated from "christian" colleges. you know, like the MESSIAH UNIVERSITY, where teaching of evolution is considered a sin.
so what we have is a fundamentalist christian administration, telling us that fundamentalist islam is the enemy. i beg to differ: fundamentalist anyfuckingthing is the enemy. fundamentalists believe that they, and they alone, speak, not for the people, but for god. and since, as we all know, god is never wrong, then they are never wrong. bush says god told him to invade iraq and bin laden says god told him to attack the united states. ( incidently, god told me that those two guys were idiots and he never speaks to them.)
in the greatest history book (in my own and many historians shared opinion), gibbon's DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, gibbon says, "whenever the banners of church and state have united, the people have suffered." but hey, history never repeats itself.
the united states is in the worst drought in a century and not a single candidate from either party has mentioned, even in passing, the obvious danger to our country and the obvious solution that is available: desalination plants on all coasts, running on wave power (for a full discussion of wave power, read buckminster (sp) fuller's works) with pipelines running into the areas most affected. if we can ship oil, which is very heavy, from alaska to the bottom 48 states then we can surely ship water from california to arizona or from the gulf of mexico to kansas or from the east coast to florida (where lakes that are home to thousands of species are at the lowest levels ever,) etc. besides bringing an end to the threat of drought FOREVER for american farmers, this work would provide employment to tens of thousands of workers, most of them laborers, which would give a giant boost to the economy and tax revenues to the government. it would be in line with the TVA of the 30's and the INTERSTATE HIGHWAY systems of the 50's and 60's both of which enriched the country immensely. but no, what we hear about is gay marriage, homeland security (if we have no water we are not secure... but hey, why let logic get in the way of politics?) flag burning, building fences on our borders, granting amnesty to illegal immigrants if they a. pay a big fine, b. pay back taxes and then leave the country and go back to their original country and then apply (surely that is a joke... no wait, it's not.) , what to do about iraq, you know, that country we invaded for no reason, killing hundreds of thousands of their citizens--why do they hate so?, etc. etc. etc. just political posturing for the uneducated and ill-informed masses...instead of substantial ideas, from substantial individuals, to solve real problems that really do affect real people in our country.
derrick lowe of the dodgers ought to sue his offense for non-support, he has pitched three complete games this year, giving up 3 runs in one, two in another and one in the game last night; he has LOST ALL THREE. the dodgers scored a total of two runs in those three games. that is great pitching and lousy support.
a gore-obama ticket would be unbeatable in 2008 against any republican candidate. of course, that won't happen, because the democrats have always had a history of shooting themselves in their proverbial foot. as will rogers said, "i belong to no organized political party, i'm a democrat."
the creationist museum in kentucky is now building a flat earth exhibit.
paris hilton had a heavy dose of reality. now that was a real reality show. mommy! daddy!
many thanks, once again, for all of you who post comments on this blog. those who agree and those who don't. i take no person's opinion lightly and we all are allowed our own. join in, exchange of ideas is fun and sometimes educational.
on another topic: the confederate flag not only symbolizes slavery to black people, it symbolizes treason to anyone who has thought it through. (one time, my friend, brett butler, was working a club in georgia and someone in the audience shouted out, "the south will rise again!" brett said, "and what? start another war you can't win?") while many honorable men fought for the south and many of those had grave reservations about what they were doing, robert e. lee for one, and the soldiers in the ranks were NOT slave holders but common working men, the war was still about the UNION and preserving it. if the south had won (which it had no chance of doing, not in the long run) america today would be a second rate country and probably still fighting itself. while the industrial north was, in a way, screwing the rural south (the hypocrisy of the north in wanting the slave produced cotton for northern plants rather than letting the south sell it to european markets, is staggering) the conflict could have been settled by something much less drastic than breaking up our country.
these were my thoughts on this sunday morning for whatever they are worth.....
there are 150 people working in THE WHITE HOUSE who graduated from "christian" colleges. you know, like the MESSIAH UNIVERSITY, where teaching of evolution is considered a sin.
so what we have is a fundamentalist christian administration, telling us that fundamentalist islam is the enemy. i beg to differ: fundamentalist anyfuckingthing is the enemy. fundamentalists believe that they, and they alone, speak, not for the people, but for god. and since, as we all know, god is never wrong, then they are never wrong. bush says god told him to invade iraq and bin laden says god told him to attack the united states. ( incidently, god told me that those two guys were idiots and he never speaks to them.)
in the greatest history book (in my own and many historians shared opinion), gibbon's DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, gibbon says, "whenever the banners of church and state have united, the people have suffered." but hey, history never repeats itself.
the united states is in the worst drought in a century and not a single candidate from either party has mentioned, even in passing, the obvious danger to our country and the obvious solution that is available: desalination plants on all coasts, running on wave power (for a full discussion of wave power, read buckminster (sp) fuller's works) with pipelines running into the areas most affected. if we can ship oil, which is very heavy, from alaska to the bottom 48 states then we can surely ship water from california to arizona or from the gulf of mexico to kansas or from the east coast to florida (where lakes that are home to thousands of species are at the lowest levels ever,) etc. besides bringing an end to the threat of drought FOREVER for american farmers, this work would provide employment to tens of thousands of workers, most of them laborers, which would give a giant boost to the economy and tax revenues to the government. it would be in line with the TVA of the 30's and the INTERSTATE HIGHWAY systems of the 50's and 60's both of which enriched the country immensely. but no, what we hear about is gay marriage, homeland security (if we have no water we are not secure... but hey, why let logic get in the way of politics?) flag burning, building fences on our borders, granting amnesty to illegal immigrants if they a. pay a big fine, b. pay back taxes and then leave the country and go back to their original country and then apply (surely that is a joke... no wait, it's not.) , what to do about iraq, you know, that country we invaded for no reason, killing hundreds of thousands of their citizens--why do they hate so?, etc. etc. etc. just political posturing for the uneducated and ill-informed masses...instead of substantial ideas, from substantial individuals, to solve real problems that really do affect real people in our country.
derrick lowe of the dodgers ought to sue his offense for non-support, he has pitched three complete games this year, giving up 3 runs in one, two in another and one in the game last night; he has LOST ALL THREE. the dodgers scored a total of two runs in those three games. that is great pitching and lousy support.
a gore-obama ticket would be unbeatable in 2008 against any republican candidate. of course, that won't happen, because the democrats have always had a history of shooting themselves in their proverbial foot. as will rogers said, "i belong to no organized political party, i'm a democrat."
the creationist museum in kentucky is now building a flat earth exhibit.
paris hilton had a heavy dose of reality. now that was a real reality show. mommy! daddy!
many thanks, once again, for all of you who post comments on this blog. those who agree and those who don't. i take no person's opinion lightly and we all are allowed our own. join in, exchange of ideas is fun and sometimes educational.
on another topic: the confederate flag not only symbolizes slavery to black people, it symbolizes treason to anyone who has thought it through. (one time, my friend, brett butler, was working a club in georgia and someone in the audience shouted out, "the south will rise again!" brett said, "and what? start another war you can't win?") while many honorable men fought for the south and many of those had grave reservations about what they were doing, robert e. lee for one, and the soldiers in the ranks were NOT slave holders but common working men, the war was still about the UNION and preserving it. if the south had won (which it had no chance of doing, not in the long run) america today would be a second rate country and probably still fighting itself. while the industrial north was, in a way, screwing the rural south (the hypocrisy of the north in wanting the slave produced cotton for northern plants rather than letting the south sell it to european markets, is staggering) the conflict could have been settled by something much less drastic than breaking up our country.
these were my thoughts on this sunday morning for whatever they are worth.....
God told me reading this blog is a better alternative to going to church every Sunday.
I said, Amen.
It's a damn shame the Politicians here in Canada and in the US can’t pull their heads out of their asses and help each other out. We have lots of water up here that could go to good use for farmers in the States. If both Countries focused on helping those in need, rather than “Hunting down the bad guys” the world would be a much better place. But hey, nobody is going to make a couple billion dollars shipping water to Farmers in need now are they?
“HEY BILL!! We need water to run your software!!” That statement will get you some fucking water my friend.
Maybe we should look at agriculture which is world wide the most inefficient user of water. People have been putting water to work in areas that possibly should not be used for growing stuff.
For too long water was not considered a limited resource. Do you really need green lawns in the desert? With the ethanol thing there is going to be more stress on aquifer that supplies Iowa and that area. Do not have answer but suggest a world wide rethink of the agricultural thing. Maybe it is better to get the tomatoes from a place that is wet naturally-just a thought.
I actually think blogs like this are better when people don't agree all the time. Even if they're flat wrong or just being assholes, it makes for better reading.
I'm a bad example for this, because I DO agree with Ron often ...
Well ... fuck that shit. Ron sucks. Yeah. I said it. See how I didn't get banished?
Shit. ... Someone's here.
(Five minutes later after hiding in the bedroom)
... point is, the chance to either be educated or think in a different way about something you already know is often greater via dissention and debate.
Then again, that's what this country was founded on, but that kind of talk'll land you an ass whoopin' down in Crawford.
in arizona, for instance, which is a very right wing state they complain all the time about "big government" and how the government can't ever do anything right. well, if it were not for the government, arizona would be a wasteland with absolutely no water at all. only thanks to the big bad old government damning the colorado do the arizona rightwingers have a green golf course to play while bitching.
two ingredients are necessary for the growth of plants (three if you count soil) and they are sunshine and water. the saudis have done a wonderful job with desalination plants and have turned barren desert into fertile farmland. the writer above has a valid point but i think that mankind can and should use his technology to improve the welfare of all and food production has always been the hallmark of advanced societies and this is from the very beginning. the hunters and gatherers of early times were eventually, for the most part, passed over or conquered by the peoples who devoloped food production. food production allowed for society to free itself from the constant need to find wild food which then lead to governments, arts, technology, permanent settlements, written languages and the overall betterment of the people. i think that even modern society can benefit from increased food production which allows them to be free of certain pressures. i could go on and on but i won't; it will suffice to say, to quote woody allen, mine is just a theory but i am sure it's right.
Technology isn't really worth much unless it gets used. I am a fan of technology the only reservation I have is that the implementation be well thought out so as not to cause a greater disruption somewhere along the line. But there is always a risk that is how there is growth. So let's get them wave power units going power us some desalination plants and build us some real good golf courses.
amen brother.
I lived in Phoenix for a year. Primarily, I cherished that time because of the five hour drive to Vegas.
But I rarely recall such an egregious juxtaposition of right-wing values and the life lived by those holding them. You'll literally have people trying to build a wall at the Mexico border while an illegal immigrant cleans their pool for 50 cents a week. ... Or sucking the water table out of 13 states so they can sprawl even further into the Sonoran Desert in the middle of a fucking drought.
Ah, why build desalination plants when the icecaps melting will bring us all the water we need?
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