Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, May 28, 2007

from bumfuck to genesis to bang was his name

a museum in bumfuck, somewhere (kentucky, i think, but am not quite certain...) shows exhibits that purport to prove that the world was created in 6 days, approx. 6000 years ago, not hundreds of billions of years ago as science and scientists say. the museum says that dinosaurs and humans roamed the world together (i guess we just never noticed them....or, if we did notice them we just didn't want to mention it.) and myths of dragons PROVE that to be true. (damn that carbon dating, what does it know).

of course, the real purpose of the museum is to get people to believe that the KING JAMES ENGLISH VERSION OF THE BIBLE is word for word english, which, as we all know, was not only spoken by christ, being a blond-haired, blue-eyed fellow and all, but was the language that matthew, mark, luke, john, peter, paul, moses, etc. all wrote in. so, if king james, in his version, says the earth was created in 6 days, then six days it was. god, being tired and all, rested on the seventh day. (question: how does an ALMIGHTY GOD get tired?...but i digress.)

the museum will rightly receive much criticism from the scientific community and the press. the problem, as i see it, is that all christians and all people who believe in god are painted with the same brush as these idiots in bumfuck.

yes, i am a christian, though i go to no church. yes, i believe in God, though i profess no religion. i follow (or more accurately put, i try to follow) the teachings of jesus christ as found in the writings of the 4 gospels and the acts of the apostles. i do not read, nor necessarily believe, anything written by paul who was a zealot before he converted and was a zealot afterwards. i take the gospels as they were written in GREEK not in english. and friends, it reads a lot different in greek than it does in modern day english. for one quick example, because this is not a defense of christianity, nor a lesson in new testament philosophy, but a little epistle, if you would, on genesis, but anyway back to the greek. in the new testament, christ uses the word, (in english, that is) "father" a lot. the greek word, in my opinion, should have been translated as SOURCE. and, incidently, the word, 'heaven' means expanding everywhere. which would make the beginning of the LORD'S PRAYER, "our source, which art expanding everywhere" instead of "our father which art in heaven" the former presents a concept of god while the latter presents a picture of some white haired fellow off somewhere else. and that is a big fucking diffence. but the subject of this is GENESIS.

let us use PERIOD OF TIME instead of DAY when we look at genesis. what i would like to ask is this: how did a illiterate, nomadic tribe, wandering the desert, being enslaved by various invading armies along the way, manage to know things that modern science did not know until the 20th century some 5,000 years AFTER THE FIRST WRITERS OF THE BIBLE KNEW THEM??? and not only know them but write them down? what do i mean? genesis 1:2 says in english: and the earth was without form and void. scientists tell us the world was without form and void. genis 1:2 also says "god moved upon the face of the waters. scientists tell us that at one time the whole surface of the earth was water. genesis 1:6 "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters. science tells us that the land masses rose out of the original waters to form the continents, islands etc. then, still in the first parts of genesis, we have plants growing on the earth BEFORE the animals get there. and genisis 1:20 says, "let the WATERS BRING FORTH ABUNDANTLY THE MOVING CREATURE THAT HATH LIFE.

now, my friends, modern day science did not know until the 20th century that the earth originally was covered with water and also did not know until the 17th century that life first started in the oceans. they did not know that plants were here before the animals. how did the ancient jews know these things? no other civilization ever has had that knowledge nor had those kinds of myths. how could those ancient jews know the sequence of scientific explanations of how the earth as we know it came to be? did they just happen to make up a myth that was right?

i think they were inspired in some way. i think some of the ancients had knowledge that has been lost to us. not only the mysticism of the torah but the texts of the hindus, the teachings of buddah, the writings of tao, shintoism and the shamans of the dakota sioux know some things that we moderns with all our technology do not know. but my beliefs are mine and each must come to their own on their own. i will tell you this, new understandings, new insights, enlightment, if you will, all start with the questioning of previously held, but not thoroughly examined, positions and beliefs. one's philosophy of life should, in my opinion, be a continuing study, lasting all life long.

so what do you believe in? the BIG BANG theory? let me see if i have the big bang theory...

once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was NOTHING anywhere except for this little speck of dust. (never mind the obvious question of where did the speck of dust come from) and then one day, the speck of dust BLEW UP! (and never mind the obvious question of just how did it blow up and what CAUSED IT TO BLOW UP) and you know how specks of dust are prone to doing that blowing up thing. and everything that ever was, is and shall be was condensed in that little speck of dust and the 100 million billion galaxies each containing 100 million billion stars that are all spinning in this giant choreographed dance of the heavens just all came together by total accident. that, in short, is the big bang theory of how we got here. the all time lucky shot.

i think people have just given a new name to God. they are calling him BANG. well, BIG BANG to differentiate him from lesser BANGS. and maybe they are right. translation is a real problem when you are examining the ancient writings and we could have gotten a lot wrong.

maybe John 1:1 really said "in the beginning was the word and the word was BANG.'

maybe mohammed said, "there is only one God, and BANG is his name."

maybe the ancient word that the hindus chant is not OMMM but BANGGGGG.


but then again, maybe not.

maybe sometime i will tell you how i learned to leave my body and what i learned by doing so.

but then again, maybe i won't.

you wouldn't believe me anyway.

because you know it can't be done.

because you have never done it.

but then again, you never tried.

but those beliefs that you hold must be valid
because it is you, infallible, who hold them.

beliefs are shattered
philosophy up in smoke
virgil and dante quoted
the great cosmic joke

the ancient egyptians believed only the lighthearted were worthy of immortality.

when one died, the heart was placed on a scale and on the other side of the scale was a feather.
if the heart weighed more than the feather; no entrance to the afterlife for you.

the great cosmic joke was on you
and you didn't get it.

nighty night.


Blogger Atomic Punk said...

I started coming to this blog thinking I would have a laugh every now and then, and I do.

But I also get to feel better about myself. Why, you ask? Because I feel better knowing there are people out there like me who don't just take the Bible as an "over all instruction book for life" that you never question.

I have asked questions all of my life about God, the Bible, and why there are two schools of thought on the creation of the World, and Mankind. Most of the time I am told "we are not meant to know all the answers." In other words, you don't have a fucking clue right?

I get looked at with the evil eye when I tell people I am a Christian, but I don't attend church. Or when I try and say dinosaurs had to exist because we have scientific proof. One co-worker, from years past, told me the Earth was created with age, that the dino bones were part of God’s creation, and that the Devil uses them to lead people astray. Alllllrighty then, thanks for clearing that up…dumbass. Keep in mind this man had attended Bible Collage, and was an assistant pastor at his church.

So from now on, just to fuck with people, I’m going to tell them that I am a Shockaterian and I attend the Church of Shock via the internet. Hey Ron, guess that makes you like my Pope or some shit like that.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

actually, i founded a church: THE CHURCH OF LOGICAL THOUGHT. we were married by the POPE of the c.o.l.t., steve epstein, whom i appointed as pope. he prefers to be called HIS POPE-ISHNESS. obviously this is a non-denominational church and we except members from all backgrounds. only qualification is an open mind and a sense of humor.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

Even better. Now I can tell the Catholics - "My Pope can beat up your Pope." (He can, right?)

Does he get to wear a goofy hat?
Hell, do I get to wear a goofy hat? You know, one that shows people I'm closer to God than they are.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the museum have enough land to add a theme park?

9:37 AM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

"The new Creation Museum in Kentucky includes a display featuring dinosaurs on Noah's Ark."

Thats one big badass Ark man.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

cubits must have been really, really big. also, the other animals must have been scooting around rather frantically, what with a couple of t-rexs roaming the decks. noah must have trained all of them to hang their big asses over the edge else the shit clean-up duty would have been....

1:05 PM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

Hey, I think you just came up with the story for a Jurassic Park Prequel;
Jurassic Park X: Noah's Shovel
Or: God help me, there's a Rapter on my Ark

6:00 PM  
Blogger The Rooster said...

OK. Fuck it. I'll click that link about the dinosaurs on the ark.

(Five minutes later after forwarding link to all my friends ... and going to fridge for a beer ...)

A quick Google search turns up a few dinosaurs and their sizes:

* Sauroposeidon -- 18 meters (60 feet) tall, 60 tons
* Brachiosaurus -- 13.5 meters (45 feet) tall
* Diplodocus -- 27 meters (92 feet) long
* Argentinasaurus -- 35 meters (120 feet) long, 80-100 tons

So that's four of the hundreds of types of dinosaurs, and the ark had two of every one of them.

At least the Southern Baptist hypocrite who preached to me when I was a child had the fucking common sense to ration away the dinosaurs as having died in the flood ...

... you know, on the day he enumerated the begots in the Old Testament all the way up to Jesus and then added 1,980 years to it and announced the universe was 6,000 years old.

6:15 PM  
Blogger The Rooster said...

And anyway, wasn't Noah supposed to be 987 years old or something when he built the Ark? ... If people lived that long, doesn't that math -- and if you're just entering your ark-building prime at 987, figure (generously) that you'll make it another thousand after that, which means every single generation is at least 1,987 years long -- mean that you could cover 6,000 years in just over three generations?

21 generations (I used to have the begots counted, and I think it's 21, but fuck off if it's not) at 1,987 years per generation would at least make the universe 42,000 years old, which is just about as ricockulous anyway.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to find out what the Big Bang was (and it wasn't a speck of dust) before you pontificate on it. Go do your research please, because your ignorance is astounding.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

i was over-simplfying (sp?) on the big bang but i stand by my premise. and since neither you nor i were there, just what exactly was exploded is neither here nor there but something did. and where did that something come from and what power caused it to explode and where did that power come from? this is the argument of ORGINAL CAUSE. my point being that while i, as a believer in, for lack of better word, God, accept that the BIG BANG was indeed the beginning of the known universe but also believe that this event was caused by some other outside force (god) and that the formation of the universe shows design and unity which i find hard to believe came about by accident. i am not knocking, in any way, science but am saying that science and theology can go hand in hand. science is the study of god's work. three of my friends are phd's and two of those are physicists and their belief in god is backed by their knowledge. this little blog is not the place to go into a total discussion of this matter.

one other thing: i make fun of preachers for the bullshit they put out and they attack me for my ignorance. i make fun of the people who profess to be atheists and they respond with attacks and accuse me of ignorance. hmmmm

4:24 PM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

pontificate, big word. Did mom help you spell it?

Notice I dont hide behind the anonymous banner either.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm one of those physicists and just wanted to point out that very recent theoretical discoveries in the field of cosmology have now indicated that the space-time singularity thought to give rise to the Big Bang did in fact consist of a speck of dust, or more precisely, a tiny cosmic furr ball. So there. HA HA HA HA.

5:48 AM  

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