Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

will republicans buy my stuff?

my wife, rhonda, worried that because i don't like george bush and say so in my blog that i would lose sales of c.d.'s and dvd's because of it. first, i really don't do political humor in my act and second, if someone was that petty and thin-skinned they probably wouldn't like the material i do anyway. thirdly, it is not like i am a big fan of the democrats either. clinton sold us down the river when he campaigned in 1992 against NAFTA and then as soon as he was elected he signed NAFTA into law. (i think NAFTA, CAFTA AND ALL THE OTHER -TA'S are anti-american worker and have lead to us losing our manufacturing base.) john kerry is a fucking idiot. i watched him on bill maher's show the other night and they guy can't answer a simple question..... what i AM against is the war in iraq. have been against it from the get-go. iraq did nothing to us. we should have declared a MANHUNT FOR A COMMON CRIMINAL (because that is what osama bin laden is, a common criminal) and not a WAR on a word: "terror". we made a horrible mistake going in there. we must leave and the sooner the better. there is nothing we can do now to save iraq from itself. every day we stay, more american boys and girls die, more people in the middle east hate us, more iraqis die, more grief comes to that land. the neo-cons (whom, i think, do not really represent the real republicans in our land) tell us that if we leave, there will be civil war. guess what, kiddypoos, there already is a civil war there and we caused it by taking out the power structure of the country that held it all together. will the democrats get us out of iraq? fuck if i know, most of them went along with bush's song and dance back in 2003; they didn't ask the hard questions, they didn't ask for proof, they just went along. cowards! it is not unpatriotic to question our government. it is the duty of patriots to question the government. (read the declaration of independence). it is the duty of the citizens to hold the governments feet to the fire whenever the government puts american boys and girls in harm's way in some foriegn land. before we shed one drop of american blood on some far away soil we must be sure that blood is spilled in the cause of freedom and of right. to do anything less than that is unpatriotic in my view. if that view causes some of you not to buy my comedy albums or not to come to my shows then so be it. by the way, my grandfathers fought in world war I, my dad fought in world war II and i joined the army in the vietnam era but did not end up in vietnam. (i ended up in prison but that is another story). the point being, i come from a line of men that have served our country. i have marched in civil rights demostrations, been active in politics, spoken up when i thought it was necessary... I read multiple newspapers every day in order to keep myself informed, and all in all, I try to be a good citizen of this great country. i love america and would not wish to live anywhere else. do i think we are perfect? hell no. could we do better? hell yes. do we make mistakes? hell yes. the question is: are we big enough to admit them? and i believe the answer is yes.


Blogger Ron Shock said...

thanks brad. that is what i thought people would say but i wasn't sure. damn shame about tulsa especially since i hear they have a great poker room up there. by the way, fort worth rocks!

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ron,
First let me tell you what a pleasure it was working with you again as it has been for the past 21 years. Second, Great playing poker with you again. Third Happy Birthday. You look, act and sound on stage much younger then an old 64. DAMN you could be my father... well I look at you as an older brother. Anyway as far as the republican bashing.. as long as it is not the only thing you discus with a passion I think it is tolerable.. If you are committed to only that subject It will be redundant and mundane.. Tell us about your act, your experiences, poker and politics with equal convictions and I think republicans such as myself will listen to your views. Not agree but listen. Please don't make it seem I am lessor of a intellect because I have a different view of the world. Say hey to Rhonda and keep Maverick in line. Luv youse guys..

Michael Alfano
The Comedy Catch
Chattanooga, TN

7:24 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

hey anonymous,

(but can i call you michael?) it was great working there and the crowds were stupendous. as always, appreciate your views. if you read the other post on this you can see a theme...


9:00 PM  

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