vegas comedy school.
i haven't put anything up here for quite some time mainly because i have become addicted to face book and do most of my ranting and raving there. however, since i am starting a comedy school here in vegas, hopefully in july, i thought it would behoove me to write something about the school and why i am doing it.
the school will be a 6 week course and is modeled after les mc curdy's comedy school in sarasota. it will consist of group and individual instruction and will cover things such as writing and telling jokes, how to write material out of your life or stories out of the newspapers, how to use the mic, stagecraft, finding work as comic and how to find agents and managers.
the course is not just for people who want to get into comedy or people who have already started in comedy but want to improve all their skills but also for anyone who does public speaking or has to give seminars or presentations in their work. just knowing how to tell a joke helps anyone who has to be in front of an audience. for instance; the average attention span during a seminar or presentation is about 5-7 minutes depending on subject and speaker but if you know 5 good jokes and how to tell them you can use that knowledge and skill to break up the presentation and get the audience back.
before i became a comic i was a hot shot sales trainer which led me to high office in the publishing business (macmillan, grolier, british printing) and later as a consultant to some huge companies, (itt, aig, general electric, john hancock life, among others). in all of my training sessions i used humor to get points across. as a comic, i have performed thousands upon thousands of shows and have appeared on 38 different television shows plus one really bad movie. my reviews have been to die for and some are listed here on my website.
i am now almost 68 years old and though i have left a legacy of sorts, 5 c.d.'s and 4 dvd's so far, i would also like to help people get into what i consider to be the best job in the whole world. is it easy? of course not. can i teach someone to be funny? no, i can't but if they have "funny" in them i can show them how to bring it out. i can help them get over "stage fright" if it is holding them back in their present job. and on top of that, the course will be fun and students will have a great time.
for anyone taking the course, they also get free tickets to several comedy shows here in town and i will always be available to them for any follow-up that they feel they need.
well, that is my little sales pitch for the school. anyone who is interested can write me at
the school will be a 6 week course and is modeled after les mc curdy's comedy school in sarasota. it will consist of group and individual instruction and will cover things such as writing and telling jokes, how to write material out of your life or stories out of the newspapers, how to use the mic, stagecraft, finding work as comic and how to find agents and managers.
the course is not just for people who want to get into comedy or people who have already started in comedy but want to improve all their skills but also for anyone who does public speaking or has to give seminars or presentations in their work. just knowing how to tell a joke helps anyone who has to be in front of an audience. for instance; the average attention span during a seminar or presentation is about 5-7 minutes depending on subject and speaker but if you know 5 good jokes and how to tell them you can use that knowledge and skill to break up the presentation and get the audience back.
before i became a comic i was a hot shot sales trainer which led me to high office in the publishing business (macmillan, grolier, british printing) and later as a consultant to some huge companies, (itt, aig, general electric, john hancock life, among others). in all of my training sessions i used humor to get points across. as a comic, i have performed thousands upon thousands of shows and have appeared on 38 different television shows plus one really bad movie. my reviews have been to die for and some are listed here on my website.
i am now almost 68 years old and though i have left a legacy of sorts, 5 c.d.'s and 4 dvd's so far, i would also like to help people get into what i consider to be the best job in the whole world. is it easy? of course not. can i teach someone to be funny? no, i can't but if they have "funny" in them i can show them how to bring it out. i can help them get over "stage fright" if it is holding them back in their present job. and on top of that, the course will be fun and students will have a great time.
for anyone taking the course, they also get free tickets to several comedy shows here in town and i will always be available to them for any follow-up that they feel they need.
well, that is my little sales pitch for the school. anyone who is interested can write me at
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