Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, August 17, 2009

the new royalty

i have always believed that the history of western society is anchored in the history of the struggle of the common man against the royalty. revolutions happened when the proletariat and bourgeoisie banded together because there came a time when they BOTH realized they were being screwed by the royalty. the proletariat always knew/know that they are getting the shaft, but the bourgeoisie, because they were somewhat better off, did not; but when they fnally realized da boom, ba da bing, heads rolled and down went the king. now that is simplified but it is accurate. if you look at the english revolution in 1066, the american war for independence in the latter part of the 1700's and the french revolution right afterwards and then look at the russian revolution of the early 1900's you will see that one thing in common: the people knew that the royalty, be they kings or czars, were doing none of the work and taking most of the profits, so to speak.

well, now the royalty is, for the most part, a thing of the past but they have been replaced by the new boss, the major corporations. they are the new royalty, they now control the finances and the resources of nations. they are now the ones who want us to do the work while they make the money. our founding fathers saw this danger on the horizon and tried to warn us but not enough listened then and hardly any are listening now.

thomas jefferson said in 1816, that he hoped to "CRUSH IN ITS BIRTH THE ARISTOCRACY OF OUR MONEYED CORPORATIONS, WHICH DARE ALREADY TO CHALLENGE OUR GOVERNMENT TO TRIAL OF STRENGTH AND DID DEFIANCE TO THE LAWS OF OUR COUNTRY." wow, huh? had we listened to t.j., we would not have had a bail-out of goldman sachs or aig or bank of america or general motors, etc, etc. we wouldn't have creeps like daschle working as a lobbyist for united healthcare while he advises the government on healthcare reform.

and, thanks to the right wing, the supreme court is poised to lift the ban on corporate financing of political campaigns. the origin of the ban goes back to 1896 when republican william mckinley defeated william jennings byrant. byrant was far and away the better man for the job, but thanks to corporate money, mckinley out spent him 10-to-1. mckinley's political advisor, mark hanna(think karl rove), said it best, "there are two things important in politics. the first is money and i can't remember what the second one is."

if the ban is lifted, then corporate america will elect almost every politician at every level, state and national. we would then become the UNITED STATES OF CORPORATE AMERICA. we already have a taste of what that would be like; wars in foreign countries where they just happen to have natural resourses that corporations want (iraqi oil) or are where they would like to build pipelines (afghanistan), bail-outs of the banks who stole the money in the first place, bailouts of giant insurance companies, bail-outs of all those who devised devious ways to scam consumers, give tax cuts to the rich and lessen services for the rest of us.

my only hope is that, one day, the american people will pull their collective heads out of their collective asses and realize that the country they have is not the country they thought they had. that is the fear of many of the corporations and their lackeys in government. that is why american troops have been and are being trained to put down civil unrest right here in america. that is also why we are constantly pitted against one another; black vs. white, brown vs. yellow, liberal vs. conservative; us vs. them (whoever "them" are). that is why we demonize other countries and other religions. it is why we have the fake war on drugs, which is really a war on civil liberties and has nothing to do with drugs...if it did it would surely include nicotine and alcohol which are the main killers but, guess what?, they are marketed by, are you ready, corporations.

but my hopes are dim and my vision of the coming age is dark. i, personally, will survive because i know how to make it outside of the system, always have and always will but my children and my grandchildren are fucked and are going to see their standard of living go down and down.

we have been sold down the proverbial river and one day in some coming decade, revolution will happen here again and the streets will run red with blood and the bankers, the oil men, the polluters and the insurance honchos will be dragged out of their gilded offices and estates and be hanged from lamp posts and the people will cheer and my only regret is that i probably won't be alive to see it.


Blogger Sevesteen said...

I wish there was a way to keep corporate money and lobbying completely out of politics. Corporations aren't people, and when they lose some of the risks of individual ownership, they should also lose some of the benefits.

You say that you know how to make it outside the system, but you advocate for a bigger system. That is a small example of the problem--How is that different except in scale from what the elites do?

I keep trying to point you towards libertarianism--Shrinking the system has a side result of making it harder to abuse--That may even be considered a primary benefit.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

i advocate a bigger gov. role in health care, as you know i am in favor of single payer national health with coverage for all. (i do admit that i am unsure of what to do about illegals..the humanitarian part of me wants to cover them but the practical side says how could we do that)

i can live outside of the system because i don't need a job. never did. when i "worked" for the publishing companies, i didn't have a job, i had a deal and i offered my services to the highest bidder which is why i can list so many companies on my so-called resume. now as a comic and poker player and social security i exist outside the system (except for ss and va) quite easily.

shrinking the system may sound fine but where do we shrink? fda? education? osha? government by its nature keeps getting bigger. ron paul had two great ideas: get out of iraq and end the war on drugs but other than that i don't agree with hardly anything he had planned.

fuck, i may go live on an island

good to hear from you again, sharon b. will be glad as well.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Sevesteen said...

John Mackey is the president of Whole Foods. He had a really good article
on sensible things to do about health care without going socialized medicine, and while still allowing the freedom to choose.

I'm not an anarchist-there are places where government is necessary, even places where federal government is necessary. In most cases, services should be handled at the lowest level of government possible. When a higher level interferes, it should be to protect people, not to take over.

...and when in doubt, government shouldn't do it.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually corporations are, legally speaking, people, which is part of the problem. Here's the birth certificate:

I wonder if lifting the corporate finance ban isn't exactly what we need - another big fat straw on the camel's back, so to speak.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last week, Single Payer Action called for a nationwide boycott of Whole Foods.


Because with 60 Americans dying every day from lack of health insurance, the CEO of the company, John Mackey penned a diatribe against a single payer health insurance reform — the only health insurance reform that will both control costs and insure everyone.

Mackey took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal and insulted not only many of his customers, but many of his own employees.

The response to that call for a boycott was remarkable.

Thousands of people wrote to us and posted comments on blogs around the web saying that they had no clue that Mackey was a union busting, right winger.

And that they would join with us and boycott Whole Foods.

Today, we announce an escalation of the boycott campaign against Whole Foods.

On Friday, single payer activists will be picketing Whole Foods stores in three cities — Austin, Texas, Washington, D.C., and New York City.

We know that there is tremendous support for this boycott.

And now we want to reach the customers as they enter the stores around the country.

We know that Whole Foods allows non profit public interest groups to set up tables inside their stores around the country to allow these groups to reach Whole Foods’ liberal customer base.

Our demand: That Whole Foods allow single payer advocates to set up shop inside Whole Foods stores around the country and allow them to counter the lies and distortions of their CEO John Mackey on health care.

To let the Whole Foods customers know what the majority of doctors and nurses know.

That single payer is the only health care reform that both controls costs and covers everyone.

The first wave of pickets will take place Friday, August 21, 2009 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. (local time for each location) at:

Austin, Texas
Whole Foods
525 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78703

Austin, Texas Single Payer Action contact:
Marcus Denton

New York City
Whole Foods
Union Square
4 Union Square South
New York, NY 10003

New York City Single Payer Action contact:
Josh Starcher

Washington, D.C.
Whole Foods
P Street
1440 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

Washington, D.C. Single Payer Action contact:
Russell Mokhiber

If you are in the New York, Austin, or Washington, D.C. areas, please contact your local Single Payer Action organizer (listed above) and join us on Friday.

If you are outside of the Austin, Washington and New York areas, and would like to start a picket of your local Whole Foods store, please contact Russell Mokhiber at

2:25 PM  
Blogger Sevesteen said...

If there were a Whole Foods near, I would make a point to shop there during your pickets. I think he has great ideas, but regardless, we need open discussion on the whole issue, not submit or be punished.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ron,

I'm sorry I never heard of you until the recent Doug Benson Pot CD, in which you singularly blew my mind and reminded me of Bill Hicks. That was two days ago and since then I've been scouring the web trying to find more info. Everything I find is brilliant. Absolutley love it and can't wait until you come near Cincinnati. In the meantime, I'm an unemployed IT guy with a new baby who hasn't found work in 10 months. Whee. But your stuff is amazing and I hope I can convince my wife to forego another ramen dinner to let me buy a CD of yours (won't be easy). My life sucks and right now I'm poor as hell, but everything I've heard so far from you is fucking wonderful. I'm going to tell all of my friends about you (most of whom still have jobs) so maybe I'll catch a break and hear some more. In fact, although I've heard little, you're better than Bill Hicks.

Anyway, didn't mean to turn this into some poor-me-schlub post. And I'll probably reply to other blog postings on this because they're so good. Just wanted to tell you thanks and I hope I have the pleasure of seeing you perform someday.

11:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and by the way, wasn't Obama supposed to end the lobbyist-whore-government orgy? That's one of the reasons I voted for him! But everyday I see more and more evidence that it's going to me business as usual. It's fucking hard to be as optimistic these days as I was last election night. The President was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today, and even though I still support him, I wonder why? I'm still unemployed, and we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Peace? Prosperity? Where is it? If Obama fails us, I will withdraw from giving a shit about this country anymore. To quote the original asshat Jefferson Davis, this country will have "died of a theory." Namely, the theory that the Union ever won the Civil War.

These modern "conservatives" are wanting us all to drown because we have a black president. Unfuckingbelievable.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lastly, it's been too long for an update. Are you okay?

11:37 PM  
Anonymous arnold the analyst said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arnold he is a comedian and a fine one at that. He makes people laugh. Do you really feel that you can judge someones FULL character by the comedy routine? Just from the bit you have written I get the feeling the only way you get people to listen to your nonsense is typing in formats just like this to push buttons. So just tell your little friend you left an amazing insight into Ron Shock and he will thank you and give you a reach around that your looking for.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

arnold doesn't have a blog so periodically, he visits mine under various names and attacks me. obviously doesn't have anything better to do. and, of course, arnold is not the real name of the writer. or writers. there are two people out there who just hate me. ron and liz. they are a pair. one is a drunk and the other is suicidal. lol. amazing. i think this one was written by liz trying to sound like ron.

12:01 AM  

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