Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, January 04, 2010

back to bloggin

well, i am back blogging. i have been on facebook almost exclusively for quite a while but that venue is not proper for my rants and raves and extensive posts so here i am. once i figure out (or, more accurately put, once rhonda figures it out) how to post a link to this on that we will do so.

so on to other things:

as most of you know, i was an ardent supporter of senator obama in 08 but i must tell you i am extremely upset with what he has done so far. to wit:

the stimulus: it seemed to me that his first priority was bailing out the banks (who then went and gave out huge bonuses to the idiots who brought all of this down on us (well them and the extreme stupidity of the masses of people who thought that home prices would continue to go up double digits each and every year apparently forever even though wages WERE NOT GOING UP and the bankers who decided that they could loan money to people with bad credit to buy houses that were overvalued and, on top of all of that, think that they (the poor credit buyers) would be able to not only afford the original payment but would, somehow, miraculously come up with even more money to pay the higher payments two years down the line) instead of making THE PEOPLE, you know, the ones who elected his skinny ass to the highest office in the land. the stimulus that he did make for the people was way too little and did not include projects that were grand in scope nor any that would employ vast numbers of people for long periods of time. he repaired bridges but did not build new ones. he paved roads but did not build new ones. there was no really big projects such as the TVA in the roosevlt years; no projects such as desalination plants that could have employed thousands upon thousands and then when finished would have created thousands upon thousands more jobs as once arid lands became fertile.

then his appointments. my fucking god! timmy gaither and rubin in the cabinet??? their footprints are all over the deregulation of the financial markets that led to the derivatives that sank the world economy. foxes guarding the henhouse indeed.

obama told us that lobbyists would no longer have say so over national policies. bullshit.

he told us we would have a national health care system so instead they want to make it a law that citizens HAVE TO BUY INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE COMPANIES. (and the insurance companies, slimeballs that they be, immediately raised their rates by up to 40%).

anyway, cue up the WHO because we have been fooled again.

bill gates for president. no more republicans, no more democrats and, for god's sake, don't even think about the libertarians. what to do? how about someone who is not affliated with any party? maybe bill gates.

in the meantime i am stocking up on food and ammo and writing new jokes. all i can do.


Blogger Sevesteen said...

The bonuses are irrelevant--part of that was to keep people from divisions that didn't fuck up. The problem was no-strings money.

I'm not an economist, but what I think should have happened if a bailout was necessary is for the government to back up loans to individuals and small business, rather than just hand money out. Let the banks keep the profits on those loans, but don't just hand them money.

Most of the mortgage trouble was based on a policy that people should be homeowners. First the government encouraged or required redlining, then they went too far in the other direction and required loans to people who couldn't pay for them, and insulated banks from the effects of bad loans. Derivatives, private equity funds, and a lot of what has screwed up our economy aren't free enterprise, they are playing games with the tax code, legal system and government regulation.

How do we know that desalinization (or whatever other big project) wouldn't wind up another corn ethanol boondoggle? Central planning won't work any better here than in the USSR.

Plus if we irrigate, we will screw up the habitat of the rare three-tailed horny toad or some similar critter, and PETA will get the EPA to shut the project down.

The Dems will take your money and do stupid things like give it to banks and insurance companies. The Republicans will take your money and do stupid things like give it to big business and defense contractors. The Libertarians will do stupid things like...let you decide how to spend most of your own money.

I'll agree that I don't want the extreme Anarchist-libertarians, but I don't want the extreme fascist-republicans or commie-democrats either. the Libertarians are the ones who aren't fooled--if you let the government decide how money is spent, the rich and powerful will manage to get their hands on a disproportionate share. Big Business can deal with regulation and red tape a lot better than ordinary people.

If we are going to pick a celebrity president, I want either Penn Jilette (for his libertarian views) or Mike Rowe (for his support of people who actually work and make things). Of course, I don't think either of them is stupid enough to actually take the job...

I'd let Rhonda stock up on the ammo, at least publicly--I'm pretty sure the early adventures with the law you've talked about make it a felony for you to own guns or ammo.

(and despite my rant, I'm glad to see you blogging again)

1:13 PM  
Blogger Art said...

Your late contemporary George Carlin pegged all of this before he passed. He said politicians are merely there to present the illusion we have a choice, but we don't. We have owners. There are a very few people who pull the real strings on this country, and the rest of us put up with whatever they come up with. I'm starting to think he was right.

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Cornelius the Critic said...

After all your euphoric ranting about the virtues of Obama, after chastising and humiliating people you knew for not supporting him, and after actually campaigning for him, you have no right whatsoever to complain. You wanted him; you got him, so STFU. I only pity those readers who you might have convinced to vote for him. Welcome back, imbecile.

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Cornelius the Critic said...

Oh, and with regard to your comedy, you apparently never understood the difference between being genuinely funny, and simply putting people down and smugly making fun of them. Especially when you keep rehashing the same tired, old routines. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

5:22 AM  
Blogger Art said...

Putting people down and smugly making fun of them IS comedy, you dickhead!

6:59 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

well, hi, liz, glad to see you still are out there with your little pithy comments. shame you never use your real name. that is the beauty of the internet for people like you, you can hide behind your many fake names.

and yes, i did campaign long and hard for senator obama and yes i am unhappy with the things he is doing. is he a better choice than john mc cain? absofuckinglutely.

do we did a political upheaval in this country? abso-fucking-lutely. we have apparently one party, the war party/rich folk party. every cycle, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and wars go on seemingly forever.

i was fooled by obama, i thought he was a "man of the people", i was wrong. he is a man of the big banks and he keetows to the military.

your suggestion prior to the election was not to vote. the choice of the coward. stand for something, liz, and i would have much more respect for you. (and pay me the money you owe

which is why cedric hates me..she owes me money and i quit loaning it to her...bad bad me.

12:02 PM  

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