gotta listen to grandma.
first of all, my doctor today gave me a clean bill of health in all areas. once again, thanks for your concern.
in reference to first sentence in previous post: come to think about it, great minds do not think alike; great minds think independently and orginally which is what makes them "great". by the same token, i will stick with 'small minds think alike'.
poker is off to a great start for 09, i might add. i have gotten even tighter than i was before and it is paying off quite well.
three times today i saw someone not raise with aces and it bit them in the ass each time and one of those times was a big pot for me.
i have cold-called under the gun with a pair of 5's hoping to get into an unraised pot to see a flop looking for, of course, another 5. my thinking on small pairs is to always call with them in unraised pot and, if enough callers, a small raised pot because those small sets can win huge pots. anyway....sure enough the betting goes all the way around with 6 callers and no raise. flop comes 5d, 7c, Jc. cool. i am under gun and there is only 12 dollars in the pot. i bet ten dollars and next player raises to 30 dollars and there is one other caller and then back to me. the pot now contains 82 dollars and i make it 100 to go or a 70 dollar raise. next guy abandons his aces (he showed them to another player before he threw them away, just so people would know he folded them.) and it is back to the woman at the other end of the table so we are looking straight at each other. she hesitates and hesitates and finally calls. next card is the Qd which is perfect for me, no straight and no flush is possible at this time. i go all in. once again, she hesitates and says, "i'm on a draw." i just look at her. she calls. she misses. i double up. the guy with the aces says, "you haven't played a hand and now raise me, i knew i was beat." he misplayed his aces by not raising but he did pick up on that i truly had not been in a hand since i sit down which was about 45 minutes earlier and that, obviously, i am not a maniac. he discounted ace jack on my part or two pair, why? i wouldn't play ace jack that way and there was no way in hell i was playing jack - 7 or even worse, 5-7 because i was under the gun. (the woman had a small flush draw) now if he had raised preflop i wouldn't have been in that hand and he would have won. now whether it was a big win or not doesn't matter, he wouldn't have lost any money with them. gotta listen to grandma...ALWAYS raise with aces. grandma didn't fuck around and neither should you.
we had maniacs at the table. one guy raised with 5-7 off suit on the button, got reraised, called and pulled a straight out of his ass on the river. side note: he ended up losing all his money. surprise!
i'll tell you something i have never put in print before. i have studied and thought about what is commonly called "the Lord's prayer" for well over thirty years now. it was by understanding it and the effect that had on my life that allowed me to have the courage to become a comic.
the only person outside of my family who i have ever spoken about this to in depth was bill hicks. (well and steve epstein but you guys don't know steve) to talk about it in depth on this blog is something that i haven't resolved yet in my mind. it is such a part of me because i really do think about it almost every fucking day but i am still of two minds on this.
anyway, last night i was talking to rhonda about this feeling of creativity welling up in me and she is quite excited about it as well. just what i am going to do as a stage show, i don't know yet nor do i know where i will do it but it will, more than likely involve scotty may and if at all possible, kenny moore. the music adds so much to the show.
sure, i close for now.
peace to us all.
in reference to first sentence in previous post: come to think about it, great minds do not think alike; great minds think independently and orginally which is what makes them "great". by the same token, i will stick with 'small minds think alike'.
poker is off to a great start for 09, i might add. i have gotten even tighter than i was before and it is paying off quite well.
three times today i saw someone not raise with aces and it bit them in the ass each time and one of those times was a big pot for me.
i have cold-called under the gun with a pair of 5's hoping to get into an unraised pot to see a flop looking for, of course, another 5. my thinking on small pairs is to always call with them in unraised pot and, if enough callers, a small raised pot because those small sets can win huge pots. anyway....sure enough the betting goes all the way around with 6 callers and no raise. flop comes 5d, 7c, Jc. cool. i am under gun and there is only 12 dollars in the pot. i bet ten dollars and next player raises to 30 dollars and there is one other caller and then back to me. the pot now contains 82 dollars and i make it 100 to go or a 70 dollar raise. next guy abandons his aces (he showed them to another player before he threw them away, just so people would know he folded them.) and it is back to the woman at the other end of the table so we are looking straight at each other. she hesitates and hesitates and finally calls. next card is the Qd which is perfect for me, no straight and no flush is possible at this time. i go all in. once again, she hesitates and says, "i'm on a draw." i just look at her. she calls. she misses. i double up. the guy with the aces says, "you haven't played a hand and now raise me, i knew i was beat." he misplayed his aces by not raising but he did pick up on that i truly had not been in a hand since i sit down which was about 45 minutes earlier and that, obviously, i am not a maniac. he discounted ace jack on my part or two pair, why? i wouldn't play ace jack that way and there was no way in hell i was playing jack - 7 or even worse, 5-7 because i was under the gun. (the woman had a small flush draw) now if he had raised preflop i wouldn't have been in that hand and he would have won. now whether it was a big win or not doesn't matter, he wouldn't have lost any money with them. gotta listen to grandma...ALWAYS raise with aces. grandma didn't fuck around and neither should you.
we had maniacs at the table. one guy raised with 5-7 off suit on the button, got reraised, called and pulled a straight out of his ass on the river. side note: he ended up losing all his money. surprise!
i'll tell you something i have never put in print before. i have studied and thought about what is commonly called "the Lord's prayer" for well over thirty years now. it was by understanding it and the effect that had on my life that allowed me to have the courage to become a comic.
the only person outside of my family who i have ever spoken about this to in depth was bill hicks. (well and steve epstein but you guys don't know steve) to talk about it in depth on this blog is something that i haven't resolved yet in my mind. it is such a part of me because i really do think about it almost every fucking day but i am still of two minds on this.
anyway, last night i was talking to rhonda about this feeling of creativity welling up in me and she is quite excited about it as well. just what i am going to do as a stage show, i don't know yet nor do i know where i will do it but it will, more than likely involve scotty may and if at all possible, kenny moore. the music adds so much to the show.
sure, i close for now.
peace to us all.
You can count on me, boss.
thanks scotty,
you have said before that among all the things you have ever done playing with kenny and me was your most enjoyable (though surely not the most profitable) and, my brother, i can say the same. it was a fucking blast! every time. every show.
we need to do it again and get it all on film. i now have a good video camera and we could document it from git-go.
Nothing on the posted subject, but I was totally blown away by Letterman having Mary Hicks on the show Friday night and running Bill's long-censored routine.
I had always been confused by Letterman's decision to do this, and it really kind of moved me that Dave evidently felt the same way.
I also like that Mary Hicks didn't really let him off the hook for it.
I was just wondering your thoughts.
On a totally different topic- I saw your show in Sarasota tonight, and while I enjoyed most of it, both I and my girlfriend found the bit on Jim and Tammy Fae Baker offensive. (Even the men in our group found it distasteful and flat). You made it sound that naturally a man who was married for 30 years would want to have sex with a 22 year old, and proceeded to describe the girl's body in a very lustful way. You said that after 30 years Jim wouldn't even be able to stand the sound of his wife's voice. I'd like you to consider the fact that this culture is brutally hard on older women (I am 57, and do not consider myself old, but by society's standards, I am). According to the ever-present media, we are barely represented, and we have little value. Yet we are the ones, once young, who have given birth, helped our daughters give birth, nurtured, given till it hurts, been loving and self-sacrificing, put our needs last so many times, developed incredible wisdom and life experience, and are the underpinning of the world. Just as it is no longer acceptable to make fun of the underclass of blacks or any other minority group, it really is not funny to make fun of or belittle older women, or to compare them negatively with young women. We have much more richness and depth in our little fingers than young ones have in their whole bodies. Unless one lacks the ability to appreciate richness and depth and prefers superficiality, which seems to be in vogue. Just watch our ever-present media for 5 minutes and you will see the worship of superficiality. From your blog it is obvious you love your wife, and you told me she is my age (I am 57)- I wonder how she feels about your proclaimed preference for younger Playboy girl types. If she's honest, I imagine it wouldn't make her feel very good. Please- give us 'older women' some respect.
well, let us be accurate here, i said that after 19 years of waking up to tammy fae with her little squeaky voice, jimmy b. deserved something different. i never made comment about tammy being old, i did mention jessica was young. the bit, had you been listening instead of judging, was about lying and cheating and stealing in the name of the Lord. i made NO mention of OLDER women.
my wife is 51 and i am 66, she is a young woman to me. before i met rhonda, i had affairs with several "older" women and they, as she, were beautiful, intelligent and full of life. age is in your mind.
age has nothing to do with attraction nor does "beauty", at least not for me. character matters. soul matters. honesty matters. intelligence matters. conversation matters. humor matters. empthy matters. caring matters. listening matters.
thanks for writing.
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