Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

michelle for president

the democrats brought a knife to a gun fight last night. it may have been the dullest convention of all time. ye gads, if you can't get your core fired up over the past 8 years and the distinct possibility that we could elect a republican who is going to follow the same disasterous course then you apparently are being guided and adviced by complete and total idiots. i have watched up to michelle's speech and, other than a nice little touch with ted kennedy, it has been complete vanilla with no spice whatsoever. they better bring some firepower tomorrow night. they gave the american people no reason whatsoever to watch any more. they said nothing of consequence. they neither attacked nor ridiculed the republican record of the past 8 years. so far, they haven't said diddly squat about mc cain. they haven't said a word of policy. they haven't acknowledged the millions out of work and the millions more that are hanging on by a thread. they haven't articulated a vision nor have they put forth any clue of a plan. better bring your A game tomorrow you dolts. i am seriously pissed. they are spending the first night self - congratulating. akkkkkk!

michelle better bring her A game. i am off to watch.

well, well, well! WHAT A GREAT SPEECH THAT WOMAN JUST GAVE! go get a copy somewhere and watch it if you missed tonight. fabulous. for those out there who had doubts about this woman, watch this speech and see if you don't respond from your heart. can you imagine laura or cindy giving that speech with that sincerity, that power, that conviction? it was truly one of the finest speeches i have ever heard!

tomorrow, we go after the republicans and their policies.

(if they don't elect obama, let's elect michelle.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:40 AM  
Blogger Art said...

Unfortunately, Ron, assholes like Rudy the Reviewer are what you can expect when you dare to tell it like it is. I drew a couple of Internet stalkers in 2004 who followed me around for quite awhile, even reposting my picture and Web page content on other boards to ridicule me.

But on to your post: yes, that convention was pretty damn tepid until Michelle got up there. I couldn't figure out if they told the other speakers not to upstage her or what. She sure gave a memorable speech, though. I look forward to seeing that one replayed the rest of my life.

As for Rudy, maybe he should take his issues up with this crowd at the DNC. "Fuck FOX news!"

6:47 AM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

Yeah, it's good to see that Michelle is finally proud of her country now that her husband is running for office. This is the woman who has never been proud of her country before now. "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." -Michelle Obama. That's funny, I've been proud of my country more times than I can even count.

This is also the woman who said she would use all of her present and future resources to benefit the black community "first and foremost". Hmmm, just a hint of racism there?

And Ron Shock wants her for president. Not a shock at all.

But - she doesn't have any less experience than Obama, so what the hell. Let her run.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

joe, obviously your sense of humor is lacking; i was not serious per se, i was making a point that this is a woman of substance, of intelligence, of beauty as well, i might add and a woman who obviously loves her husband. i think she will make a wonderful first lady. but, then again, joe, maybe strong women frighten you.

but you are entitled to your opinion and your post stays up.

10:41 AM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

I'm not suggesting you were 100% serious. I'm also not suggesting she isn't intelligent or that some may find her attractive. All that is true.

I'm suggesting she is a racist and that I find it despicable that a woman of 40+ years has never had an opportunity to be proud of her country. Especially considering this is a couple who claim to come from nothing and have achieved running for the highest office in the land.

Whatever else may be true about her, I don't think she has the objectiveness or mindset to be first lady.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

and i think she does. and there you go. a difference of opinion. it is one of the things that i do like about america..we can differ without bloodshed.

8:44 AM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

Sometimes - that is the case.

But, I still find it amazing how liberals can look at George Bush and see Hitler, then look at someone like Obama - a man who associates himeself with racists, felons, and known terrorists - and see a Messiah.

Thankfully, I'll never understand that mindset.

2:57 PM  
Blogger FatCat said...

Dang Joe, I don't think I've seen so many republican hype words in one paragraph before, you have been taking notes haven't you.

How about bush and McSames buddys? A few felons and terrorists in this list.

Jack Abramoff
Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Maurice "Hank" Greenberg
Kenneth L. Lay
Tom Noe
Dr. Sami Al-Arian

And lets not forget Charles Keating, that little friendship with McCain cost this country 125 Billion dollars.

8:53 AM  

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