ranting again
i have been out here now for 9 days in southern indiana and northern kentucky, bloomington and louisville and some small surrounding towns. i have seen HUNDREDS of obama bumber stickers and NO mc cain stickers. both indiana and kentucky are historically republican states so draw whatever conclusion you may.
as a side bar: of all the people who have said to me that they are going to vote republican none of them had anything good to say about senator mc cain, their reasons were always something or another against obama. most of those "somethings" were just a repeat of the rush/savage/o'reilly mantra of the day. last night i got an email from a entertainment agent in l.a. who said he was going to vote republican because obama is a marxist. now, i know this man and know him fairly well and have known him for 20 somewhat years and i can guarantee that he has NEVER READ A SINGLE PAGE OF DAS KAPITAL. he could no more explain marxism than he could explain quantum physics but there he is stating, AS A FACT, that senator obama is a marxist. i wrote to him and told him not to forget that senator obama is also a muslim terrorist who will drain our precious bodily fluids.
another thing that is amazing in it's stupidity is the statement mouthed by many that they are not voting for senator obama because "they know nothing about him." have you heard that? they say it and others nod knowlingly. ye gads. senator obama has written TWO BOOKS. senator obama was in TEN (or so, i don't remember the exact number) DEBATES with hillary clinton, joe biden, chris dodd et al. senator obama has a website where he outlines each and every position he advocates. HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM UNLESS YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TRIED TO FIND OUT? it is all out there and has been for quite some time. what they are saying is just another repeating of that right wing propoganda mantra.
if you are for mc cain what are your reasons? if you are against obama, just what is it you disagree with?
oh, and if you are going to say that obama is "going to raise taxes" that would be true if you are a multi millionaire. if you are middle class he has stated he is going to lower yours. he is going to repeal the billion dollar tax breaks for the oil companies and he is going to repeal the tax breaks for the ultra rich that bush put in. so, if you are an average joe or jane and are not an oil company, your taxes will go down. ah, but why bother with facts when you have rush to tell you what to think and how to vote?
actually, i would be for the candidate that said, "look, we are in deep shit here and we need to raise more revenues or our country is going to go broke." every time the republicans get into power they run up huge debts and always leave the country in a bind when they are finally voted out of office. reagan did it, bush I did it and now gwb has done it. they all lowered taxes on the rich and said that the benefits would "trickle down" but, as i have said before, no benefits trickled down to you and i; we were just pissed on.
if you are a woman let me ask you this: do you think it is YOUR decision as to whether or not to have an abortion or do you think that the government should have the right to tell you that you cannot have an abortion? senator john mc cain, who at one time supported roe v wade, now wants to repeal it. senator obama is unequivically in favor of roe v. wade.
let me clarify my position on abortion. i do NOT believe that life begins at conception. i believe that LIFE begins when that fetus could LIVE on it's own and until then it is part of the woman's body and it is her decision and her decision alone to do with HER BODY what she wants. it is NOT some old man's decision to make, it is not a courts decision to make, it is not the governments decicion to make...it is, to repeat, her decision. (if men had babies abortion would be not only legal but free)
senator obama wants a national health care plan. senator mc cain wants to continue our present course. and just what course is that? each and every year health care costs raise much more than overall inflation. we spend more on health care than any other country in the world and we, and we alone, are the only first world country that has MILLIONS OF CITIZENS UNINSURED. the insurance companies and the hospital conglomerates are making millions and we are being buried under health care costs. remember IT IS NOT THE DOCTORS AND NURSES WHO ARE GETTING THE RAISES!!!! we are already paying for health care for others. if you have health care, you pay for it and then you pay for someone else's care every time you buy a product or service. each company that offers health care to their employees adds that cost to the product they sell and that cost is passed on to you and me. a large product such as a car, has dozens of suppliers of parts included in the overall price and each and every one of those suppliers added on their health care costs so you end up paying for dozens of companies employing hundreds if not thousands of people health care costs. if we had a national health care all those costs would be eliminated and therefore costs of products would go down and that would more than offset the small tax increase it would take to fund national health care.
i have traveled to europe, canada and australia and they all have national health care and i never met a citizen of those countries that would not want to have it available for them and their family. not a one. go ask for yourself. you have a computer, you can contact people in other countries. educate yourself. once you really see it, you will be all in favor of national health care. a single payor system. it will work and it will save us billions of dollars. (some insurance companies are going to go under but they have been raping us for decades) doctors and nurses will rejoice because they can go about their business of providing care and no longer have to worry about some insurance company looking over their shoulder quibbling about cost.
(incidently, i do NOT like senator obama's health care plan but it is a step in the right direction. the scare tactics that have been used against national health care for decades has made it very difficult for us to have an open debate on how to move our country into the 21st century as far as taking care of the health of our citizens)
another thing: since when is it some kind of negative for people overseas to actually LIKE our president or presidential candidate? the right wing made much ado about how much europeans liked senator obama. would it be better for us as a country if other countries liked us or would you rather they hated us (as they do now)? co-operation among nations is crucial and we would get much more of it if we were to get rid of the neo cons, which include mc cain, who have been running our foriegn affairs. or is it ruining our foriegn affairs? bush is hated and feared world wide and mc cain would be just more of the same. we need to show the world that we are not the war mongers they think we are. we need to show the world that we want to be part of the solution and not be the fucking problem. an obama presidency would raise our stock world wide while a mc cain election would say to the world that we are going to continue the disasterous policies of george, the decider, bush. which would you want? a world that hates us and refuses to co-operate with us or a world that looks at us as a positive partner? your choice. our choice. let us not fuck it up.
as a side bar: of all the people who have said to me that they are going to vote republican none of them had anything good to say about senator mc cain, their reasons were always something or another against obama. most of those "somethings" were just a repeat of the rush/savage/o'reilly mantra of the day. last night i got an email from a entertainment agent in l.a. who said he was going to vote republican because obama is a marxist. now, i know this man and know him fairly well and have known him for 20 somewhat years and i can guarantee that he has NEVER READ A SINGLE PAGE OF DAS KAPITAL. he could no more explain marxism than he could explain quantum physics but there he is stating, AS A FACT, that senator obama is a marxist. i wrote to him and told him not to forget that senator obama is also a muslim terrorist who will drain our precious bodily fluids.
another thing that is amazing in it's stupidity is the statement mouthed by many that they are not voting for senator obama because "they know nothing about him." have you heard that? they say it and others nod knowlingly. ye gads. senator obama has written TWO BOOKS. senator obama was in TEN (or so, i don't remember the exact number) DEBATES with hillary clinton, joe biden, chris dodd et al. senator obama has a website where he outlines each and every position he advocates. HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM UNLESS YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TRIED TO FIND OUT? it is all out there and has been for quite some time. what they are saying is just another repeating of that right wing propoganda mantra.
if you are for mc cain what are your reasons? if you are against obama, just what is it you disagree with?
oh, and if you are going to say that obama is "going to raise taxes" that would be true if you are a multi millionaire. if you are middle class he has stated he is going to lower yours. he is going to repeal the billion dollar tax breaks for the oil companies and he is going to repeal the tax breaks for the ultra rich that bush put in. so, if you are an average joe or jane and are not an oil company, your taxes will go down. ah, but why bother with facts when you have rush to tell you what to think and how to vote?
actually, i would be for the candidate that said, "look, we are in deep shit here and we need to raise more revenues or our country is going to go broke." every time the republicans get into power they run up huge debts and always leave the country in a bind when they are finally voted out of office. reagan did it, bush I did it and now gwb has done it. they all lowered taxes on the rich and said that the benefits would "trickle down" but, as i have said before, no benefits trickled down to you and i; we were just pissed on.
if you are a woman let me ask you this: do you think it is YOUR decision as to whether or not to have an abortion or do you think that the government should have the right to tell you that you cannot have an abortion? senator john mc cain, who at one time supported roe v wade, now wants to repeal it. senator obama is unequivically in favor of roe v. wade.
let me clarify my position on abortion. i do NOT believe that life begins at conception. i believe that LIFE begins when that fetus could LIVE on it's own and until then it is part of the woman's body and it is her decision and her decision alone to do with HER BODY what she wants. it is NOT some old man's decision to make, it is not a courts decision to make, it is not the governments decicion to make...it is, to repeat, her decision. (if men had babies abortion would be not only legal but free)
senator obama wants a national health care plan. senator mc cain wants to continue our present course. and just what course is that? each and every year health care costs raise much more than overall inflation. we spend more on health care than any other country in the world and we, and we alone, are the only first world country that has MILLIONS OF CITIZENS UNINSURED. the insurance companies and the hospital conglomerates are making millions and we are being buried under health care costs. remember IT IS NOT THE DOCTORS AND NURSES WHO ARE GETTING THE RAISES!!!! we are already paying for health care for others. if you have health care, you pay for it and then you pay for someone else's care every time you buy a product or service. each company that offers health care to their employees adds that cost to the product they sell and that cost is passed on to you and me. a large product such as a car, has dozens of suppliers of parts included in the overall price and each and every one of those suppliers added on their health care costs so you end up paying for dozens of companies employing hundreds if not thousands of people health care costs. if we had a national health care all those costs would be eliminated and therefore costs of products would go down and that would more than offset the small tax increase it would take to fund national health care.
i have traveled to europe, canada and australia and they all have national health care and i never met a citizen of those countries that would not want to have it available for them and their family. not a one. go ask for yourself. you have a computer, you can contact people in other countries. educate yourself. once you really see it, you will be all in favor of national health care. a single payor system. it will work and it will save us billions of dollars. (some insurance companies are going to go under but they have been raping us for decades) doctors and nurses will rejoice because they can go about their business of providing care and no longer have to worry about some insurance company looking over their shoulder quibbling about cost.
(incidently, i do NOT like senator obama's health care plan but it is a step in the right direction. the scare tactics that have been used against national health care for decades has made it very difficult for us to have an open debate on how to move our country into the 21st century as far as taking care of the health of our citizens)
another thing: since when is it some kind of negative for people overseas to actually LIKE our president or presidential candidate? the right wing made much ado about how much europeans liked senator obama. would it be better for us as a country if other countries liked us or would you rather they hated us (as they do now)? co-operation among nations is crucial and we would get much more of it if we were to get rid of the neo cons, which include mc cain, who have been running our foriegn affairs. or is it ruining our foriegn affairs? bush is hated and feared world wide and mc cain would be just more of the same. we need to show the world that we are not the war mongers they think we are. we need to show the world that we want to be part of the solution and not be the fucking problem. an obama presidency would raise our stock world wide while a mc cain election would say to the world that we are going to continue the disasterous policies of george, the decider, bush. which would you want? a world that hates us and refuses to co-operate with us or a world that looks at us as a positive partner? your choice. our choice. let us not fuck it up.
That's a damn good rant! I'm bookmarking that one for sure. Maybe I'll also link it on my blog so you can share my five readers.
I love your comedy but I have to question your definion of when LIFE begins. Can a baby live on it's own once the umbilical cord has been cut? It relies on someone to provide warmth and nurishment whether in the womb or in the world. Partial birth abortions are exactly what they say. Drugs are given to the woman to induce labor. Once the BABY'S head is exposed, the BABY is killed. The difference between the moment the baby is killed, and the moment when a pro-choice person would have to admit that it's a baby and illegal to kill, is one push from the mother and a couple of seconds in time. From killable fetus to un-killable baby with one push. How in the world can anyone justify that?
Obama appears to think that every problem should have a government program, paid for by corporations and the rich.
Creating wealth requires risk and effort. Most corporations, and some rich people create wealth. If they are taxed too heavily, it is essentially eating your seed stock--Short term gain, but severe long term consequences. If you don't allow tremendous rewards, you won't have people making tremendous efforts and tremendous risks.
We don't have enough rich to soak to pay for all of what Obama wants to do, he will have to raise my taxes as well--I'm by no means rich.
(If the anti-abortionists are actual goal is to reduce or eliminate abortions, why do most of the same people want to eliminate sex education and anything that would keep teens from getting pregnant? )
I just read the Obama health care plan. It merely promises higher coverage at lower costs, but doesn't explain how they will be achieved.
We need to fix fraud waste and abuse on both sides--Hospital overbilling, and patient abuse of emergency room and ambulance "must treat everyone" rules.
Both McCain and Obama are flip-flopping politicians. Obama says he supports the second amendment as a right, but his verison is essentially meaningless--As long as the government has an excuse, it isn't really an infringement.
Gun rights and abortion rights are both important as demonstrations of how a candidate thinks about freedom. Is his idea "freedom to do what I think is OK", or is it real freedom? IMO, Obama fails harder, but both candidates fail.
Jane, you ignorant slut.
When I get a few more minutes I'm gonna a type up a reply to soundly kick your ass on Obama. Please keep in mind that we will always remain friends. I love you and Myrtle. Myrtle is a close friend too. I can't tell you how many times I say "You know Myrtle..."
But just damn, Ron.
Jason said it better than I could on the abortion issue. Fuck when you want to call someone "alive". How do you determine when they are dead? You know, dead?
Last time I checked that was a pulse. Your heart stops and...you're dead.
A pulse. A pulse as in a heartbeat. So let's use the same barometer that every medical technician in the world uses. A heartbeat. This occurs at five weeks. Plenty of time for a woman to figure out she fucked up. NOT getting pregnant is REAL easy to do.
Partial birth abortion is murder. Infanticide. Period. End of sentence. There is no other word for it.
As for you're stance on health care? Watch this:
I'll come back to that later.
Somehow you seem to have gotten it drilled into your head that personal responsibility means nothing. A far reaching tyrannical government to cure all ills is what you desire.
A good rule of thumb to live by is this:
"If you can find it in the Yellow Pages, government doesn't need to do it."
Here's what government can do. Just in case you haven't ever read the Constitution. I'll clip it out for you.
Section 8 - Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
And here's the 10th amendment. It's real simple too.
Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
That means that anything you didn't find in that list above is a State's right issue. OK?
Charity is fine. I'm all for it.
Government mandated charity is indeed socialism and that's the whole point.
Obama is a socialist. Period. Proven. Not even open for discussion that the man is a socialist.
I love freedom. No way will I support this new perceived Messiah.
I refuse to vote for a man who's previous experience is generally limited to being a community "activist" in Chicago and 143 actual days of work in the U.S. Senate.
Sorry, but I'm just not going to do it.
1. Abortion sucks, no one wants people to get abortions but when they were illegal women and girls still got them just more died.
2. You are already paying for everyone that doesn't have insurance thru higher healthcare costs. It costs more the way we do it because people without insurance wait until they are really sick to go in and then use the emergency room as their family doctor.
3. People with money love to tout personal responsibility, if everyone in the country had the luck to get a well paying job with insurance we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. Because of republicans and their trickle down pipe dream we are slowly becoming a third world country. Our wonderful private sector that was suppose to use all the tax breaks and incentives to create more jobs did just that, the problem is they created them in India, China and Mexico and moved a lot of the jobs we had over there. I love it when you corporate fascists claim the reason your using foreran labor is because our education system is lagging behind and our workers don’t have the skills they need. What our workers don’t have is the ability to survive on what you pay people in other countries.
If you don’t like Obama for whatever reason that’s fine don’t vote for him but please don’t vote for McCain, this country can’t take four more years of this shit.
i do so love my readers. you guys are so bright and so well read. (guys is a non sexual term) most of you give well rounded arguments and also give me pause on some of my views.
on abortion: it is a woman's right to choose. case closed as far as i am concerned. whatever you or i believe as far as when "life" begins is inconsequental because it the woman's right to choose. (at three months that fetus could not live on it's own.)
on taxes. we NEED to raise taxes. we are broke! we cannot survive without government. can't do it. we need roads, military, cops, overseers on safety, food quality, worker protection, etc etc etc. we spend more than we bring in. our some government agencies wasteful, of course. are most essential, of course.
on politicians. of course obama is a politician but he is less tied to the washington "mob" than any others because he is a new comer. because of his race, because of his work history, because of his upbringing he brings a different understanding to faces ALL of us, not just the white middle class. we are all in this together. you have got to grab that. you need me and i need you. we all need each other. if that is socialism, then so be it. the idea of the "independent" man is a pipe dream. we can be independent on our own lives only to the degree that society is stable. drop all government and you have anarchy and when the bloodletting is done and the smoke is cleared we would be back to the middle ages and the world would be laughing. by any standards you which to use, the socialistic countries of europe have a higher quality of life than we do and a good portion of that is they do not have to worry about being completely ruined by a health problem.
when the founders wrote the constitution they could have had no idea of the problems of modern society nor could they invision a country with 300 million people. the constitution must be a "living" document that addresses things as they are not things as they were.
anyway, you guys are still fucking great, those who agree and those who don't.
good thing i am a comic, i don't think i would get elected as a politican.
I'm on your side re: abortion, but how is a woman's right to choose all that different than my right to choose to not give my money to other people, that I consider lazy?
We need to clean up Bush's mess before we start any new spending--If we don't control spending, it will grow to the point that no amount of taxes will cover it.
The government should serve us, not the other way around--It should primarily be involved with protecting us from others and infrastructure. Few are saying no government--I'm asking for government limited to essential core functions.
What do you mean by "living document"--does that mean it can be changed without formality when someone decides it no longer applies? The amendment process is what the founders intended to deal with a changing world-The constitution and our rights should not be changed trivially.
no, i am not saying that we should change the const. what i am saying is that society at large is so much different than it was in 1776. not only society but technology is such that, in their wildest dreams, people of the 1700's would have absolutely no vision of it at all. with these changes come challenges different than in the 1700's. for instance: the founders would not have given much, if any thought, to food safety control or to pollution control or to water purification control. why? because there was no way then to do any of these things. (and as a result, life expectatency (sp?) was in the late 30's i believe, maybe in the 40's.
we are an interlocking society and there must be some central control or chaos will ensue.
we are looking for "common good" and a "more perfect union" and UNION is the crucial word. all together is unity. each seperately is chaos.
The question (among sensible people at least) isn't whether or not we have a federal government, but rather how much. People tend to think the issues that they care about should be federal. Conservatives want their idea of family values to be federal law, liberals want to legislate equal outcomes.
"Living constitution" is used by people who think that since the forefathers didn't foresee the internet or assault weapons, then the first and second amendments don't cover those things.
careful now, i used 'living' and it surely does apply to the first admendment and you, my reader, have changed my mind on the second amendment. (i believe it was josh who sent me quotes from some of the founding fathers regarding the second amendment and its application to individual gun rights)
the first admendment is under assult on many fronts. when the political parties came up with the idea of "free speech zones" where they inclosed the "protesters" far away from the conventions they were violating the first admendment, america is a free speech zone!
My point was that both sides want "living" to match what they want to see. Fenced-off free speech zones are abhorrent, no matter who is doing them.
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