little richard, castro, fast food fools
as the beginning of this post i ask you to read the first comment on the previous post; it is about little richard, one of the founding fathers of rock and roll and is written by a friend of mine. a nice piece of work that should touch your heart and soul.
one of the things that the politicians have on their side is the ignorance of the american people about history. this ignorance allows politicians to tell lies that get swallowed hook, line and sinker. it is not just republicans or neo-cons who do this, manipulaters from left use historical distortion as well. bearing this in mind let us go to todays latest decree from king george the decider: he declared new sanctions against cuba and spoke as how the cuban people are struggling under castro and how they long for freedom and democracy. to rid that island of it's horrible dictator we will blah, blah, blah and blah.
a little historical fact review. (if you doubt anything you read below, look it up.)
when castro rolled into havana on new year's day of 1960 he had just lead a revolution of the people against an united states backed dictator, batista. under batista, 90% of the people were illiterate, today cuba has a higher literacy rate than the united states. under batista, 97% of all the wealth of cuba was in the hands of maybe 5% of the people, now under castro, cubans share and share alike. batista, like bush, could not walk among his own people. castro, on the other hand, until his illness of last year, walked every year on the anniversary date of the revolution down havana's streets with NO GUARDS WHATSOEVER! hundreds of thousands of his fellow cubans walked with him. they shook his hand and shouted his name. no one took shots at him, no one spit on him, no one called him names and he walked without fear. compare this to george bush who would NOT GET OUT OF HIS CAR ON THE DAY OF HIS INAGURATION!!! george who will not go into a meeting of citizens unless every single person in the room has been vetted and searched. cuba exports more doctors to work in third world countries than other nation. george vetoed a child's health care program increase. cuba exports more teachers to third world countries than any other nation. george has cut education funds. all castro has ever done to us is throw batista, our friend, the brutal killer dictator, out. for this, we, the united states of america, under both democratic and republican administrations have isolated cuba, enforced strict economic sanctions on cuba which hurt the cuban citizens, have a military base that we use for a prison camp on their soil, keep in place a defacto naval seige off their shores. all this because americans bought the original story that castro was a communist and therefore a staunch enemy of the united states. gander and goose analogy applies here because we will have vital american banks, stock brokerage houses and companies owned by communist china, we will have our food and toys and tvs all come from communist china, we owe most of our national debt to communist china and at the same time we deal with communist vietnam and dealt with communist russia. but mean old nasty castro and that dangerous nation, cuba, remain on our shit-list. we have invaded them, tried to poison castro, starved their people, ruined their economy, blockcaded their country and then we have the unmedigated gall to say they are some kind of threat to us. how stupid are the american people??? more stupid than you can possibly imagine.
you see, history doesn't "end", it continues. history is, in fact, part of the present and has a real bearing on what is going on in today's world. we ignore history at our own peril, and unless we cure our ignorance and recognize the world for what it is and not what we want it to be we, the united states, will always be in conflict with someone or another. our national paranoia, which, incidently, has no basis in fact, will eventually cause our downfall. the world will unite against us, seeing us for what we really are, a militaristic, imperialistic, power-hungry nation that is a threat to world peace. and that, brothers and sisters, is just how the world percieves us this very day and each day we continue with our policies of intervertion in other's affairs, our continuing search for resources we can steal or just take by military force, our bombastic jingolism, our continuous litany of reasons for war, our failure to ever see the other side's point of view, our national ego of believing that we, and we alone, know what is best for mankind, all these unite not us, but the world and not for us but against us. and we bring it upon ourselves.
but why try to tell this to anyone when so much more important things are in the news, such as will brittney show her snatch again. who will win sucking with the stars? who will be the last comic doing hack material standing? will the patriots be beat this year? will our mindless youth get their beloved i-pod? do you have restless leg syndrome?
time present and time past
are both perhaps present in time future
and time future contained in time past.
if all time is eternally present
all time is unredeemable.
what might have been is an abstraction
remaining a perpetual possibility
only in a world of speculation.
t. s. elliot
i watched a great documentary "McLIBEL" yesterday. it is about two british activists who take on macdonald's in london. good stuff. also, it bears repeating: read FAST FOOD NATION. you will quit eating that shit if you do. because shit is what it is and corporations spend hundreds of millions in advertizing dollars to get our children to eat that shit so they will grow up to be obese adults who still are eating that shit. how stupid are americans??? more stupid than you can possibly imagine.
that is it for this beautiful day in vegas, hanging out here at home watching the workmen work.
one of the things that the politicians have on their side is the ignorance of the american people about history. this ignorance allows politicians to tell lies that get swallowed hook, line and sinker. it is not just republicans or neo-cons who do this, manipulaters from left use historical distortion as well. bearing this in mind let us go to todays latest decree from king george the decider: he declared new sanctions against cuba and spoke as how the cuban people are struggling under castro and how they long for freedom and democracy. to rid that island of it's horrible dictator we will blah, blah, blah and blah.
a little historical fact review. (if you doubt anything you read below, look it up.)
when castro rolled into havana on new year's day of 1960 he had just lead a revolution of the people against an united states backed dictator, batista. under batista, 90% of the people were illiterate, today cuba has a higher literacy rate than the united states. under batista, 97% of all the wealth of cuba was in the hands of maybe 5% of the people, now under castro, cubans share and share alike. batista, like bush, could not walk among his own people. castro, on the other hand, until his illness of last year, walked every year on the anniversary date of the revolution down havana's streets with NO GUARDS WHATSOEVER! hundreds of thousands of his fellow cubans walked with him. they shook his hand and shouted his name. no one took shots at him, no one spit on him, no one called him names and he walked without fear. compare this to george bush who would NOT GET OUT OF HIS CAR ON THE DAY OF HIS INAGURATION!!! george who will not go into a meeting of citizens unless every single person in the room has been vetted and searched. cuba exports more doctors to work in third world countries than other nation. george vetoed a child's health care program increase. cuba exports more teachers to third world countries than any other nation. george has cut education funds. all castro has ever done to us is throw batista, our friend, the brutal killer dictator, out. for this, we, the united states of america, under both democratic and republican administrations have isolated cuba, enforced strict economic sanctions on cuba which hurt the cuban citizens, have a military base that we use for a prison camp on their soil, keep in place a defacto naval seige off their shores. all this because americans bought the original story that castro was a communist and therefore a staunch enemy of the united states. gander and goose analogy applies here because we will have vital american banks, stock brokerage houses and companies owned by communist china, we will have our food and toys and tvs all come from communist china, we owe most of our national debt to communist china and at the same time we deal with communist vietnam and dealt with communist russia. but mean old nasty castro and that dangerous nation, cuba, remain on our shit-list. we have invaded them, tried to poison castro, starved their people, ruined their economy, blockcaded their country and then we have the unmedigated gall to say they are some kind of threat to us. how stupid are the american people??? more stupid than you can possibly imagine.
you see, history doesn't "end", it continues. history is, in fact, part of the present and has a real bearing on what is going on in today's world. we ignore history at our own peril, and unless we cure our ignorance and recognize the world for what it is and not what we want it to be we, the united states, will always be in conflict with someone or another. our national paranoia, which, incidently, has no basis in fact, will eventually cause our downfall. the world will unite against us, seeing us for what we really are, a militaristic, imperialistic, power-hungry nation that is a threat to world peace. and that, brothers and sisters, is just how the world percieves us this very day and each day we continue with our policies of intervertion in other's affairs, our continuing search for resources we can steal or just take by military force, our bombastic jingolism, our continuous litany of reasons for war, our failure to ever see the other side's point of view, our national ego of believing that we, and we alone, know what is best for mankind, all these unite not us, but the world and not for us but against us. and we bring it upon ourselves.
but why try to tell this to anyone when so much more important things are in the news, such as will brittney show her snatch again. who will win sucking with the stars? who will be the last comic doing hack material standing? will the patriots be beat this year? will our mindless youth get their beloved i-pod? do you have restless leg syndrome?
time present and time past
are both perhaps present in time future
and time future contained in time past.
if all time is eternally present
all time is unredeemable.
what might have been is an abstraction
remaining a perpetual possibility
only in a world of speculation.
t. s. elliot
i watched a great documentary "McLIBEL" yesterday. it is about two british activists who take on macdonald's in london. good stuff. also, it bears repeating: read FAST FOOD NATION. you will quit eating that shit if you do. because shit is what it is and corporations spend hundreds of millions in advertizing dollars to get our children to eat that shit so they will grow up to be obese adults who still are eating that shit. how stupid are americans??? more stupid than you can possibly imagine.
that is it for this beautiful day in vegas, hanging out here at home watching the workmen work.
I won't defend Castro, but I will certainly agree that we shouldn't be trying to select the leaders of other countries. Have any of the "hand picked" by the US leaders worked out well for the US in the long term? Most that I can recall have either turned on us, or been thrown out and replaced with someone far worse.
you are right on; from the shah of iran to the dictators of vietnam to noreiga in panama the list of our backed dictators is a study in history.
i have always been a fan of castro and what he accomplished. i also believe if an open election were held in cuba today raoul would win in a landslide. i have friends who sail to cuba every year and they report that while the country is poor (thanks to us) the people for the most part are quite happy with castro and what he has done for them. much happier than they were under batista.
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