Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

cook out with daughters

a little of this and that as i get ready to leave fort worth.....

glenn morshower, whom you have seen on 24 (he was agent pierce who guarded the president's wife), west wing and now in friday night lights and, most important, was a final table player on the wpt was at my show friday along with 20 others. glenn has been a fan of mine for many years and i owe him a debt of gratitude for introducing me to texas hold-em in 91.

apparently there is girl comic who is using my "ball shrinking cold" routine complete (or so i am told) with "not letting hot air out" "not dangling around for this" she was on last comic standing.
once, someone asked me if i had been on last comic standing and i said, "no but my material has." i told my wife that ball shrinking is a fairly common expression and i am sure that millions of men have used it to describe the weather but "hot air out" is not all that common. regardless, if someone did 'steal' that tiny bit, so what? it is nothing but a throw-away for me and a way to get a cheap easy laugh at the beginning of my set. besides, it is a little strange for a woman to use it.

shows here were just great. am off to have a 'cook out' with my daughters and then off to houston to visit friends. (hope dean doesn't make a major turn to the north)

under george w. bush the veterans administration has CUT BENEFITS! unfuckingbelievable! to send men and women off to war and then cut their benefits is so telling of this man's mental makeup. george can't spell "empathy." nor "truth".

gotta go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That female comic who stole your ball-shrinking routine is probably suffering from penis envy in a cold climate. Hey, she might even turn out to be Jimmy's bilingual girlfriend!

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in case you din't get the message. Jimmy, just so you know, you fuck with a friend of mine, you fuck with me. I would really just love to meet you anytime, anywhere, say when. I got nothing to live for, except to have some fun with little shits like you.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

now, now, now. no threatening the critics.

but then again, we haven't heard back from the little fuck.

4:53 PM  

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