Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, August 13, 2007

dove hunting

going back to vegas from atlantic city today which is as going from podunk to new york city, mississippi to amersterdam, hell to heaven. (however, god bless the poker players of atlantic city and may they never run out of money!)

no, we don't need a national health care system, we have the finest health care in the world. that is the mantra of the conservatives who are, of course, backed by the big insurance companies and the drug industry. HOWEVER WE ARE 42ND IN LIFE EXPECTENCY AMONG THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. BEHIND EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY THAT HAS A NATIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. but hey, who are you going to believe? republicans or your lying eyes?

karl (the fixer) rove quit this morning. what is that "splashing" i am hearing? could it be the sound of rats jumping off the ship of state?

Lee Iocca has a book out that i would recommend highly, WHERE HAVE ALL THE LEADERS GONE? and the title is a damn good question. our country is at a crucial juncture in our history and we need men and women with vision, passion and an undying love for this country and it's constitution. a leader, not an egomaniac or some power-hungry career politician. someone who can unite us and bring us back to our core values, someone who can restore our place in the world where we are looked up to with admiration and not envy or fear. someone who can bring back american industry so that OUR people have jobs. someone who can get us out of the middle east and motivate americans and american industry to find the ways to wean us off our oil dependency. someone who can lead us into a century of peace and not perpetual war. where is and who is that person?

incidently, karl rove said he was going back to texas to do some dove hunting. however, he also added that dick cheney was not invited.


Blogger Sevesteen said...

Our arguments appear to be in part because of our career choices--You have chosen a career where health care isn't provided, With my job I'm going to get health care regardless, and I don't want to pay for someone else's.

I'm not thrilled with the idea of national health care, but since emergency rooms cannot turn patients away regardless of lack of illness, or lack of willingness to pay, we've already got the worst of both systems with few of the benefits.

Any sort of national health care system needs multiple providers--If the government has a monopoly, they will screw it up. They can't even run a whorehouse--The IRS took over the Mustang Ranch and lost money running it...

9:54 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

i have VA health benefits which are great (a lot depends on where you are--vegas has one of the best VA system in the country)and my wife, being a cpa, always has group health and this year i am eligble for medicare so it is not personal with me.

the argument that the government cannot do anything is bogus (not withstanding the whore house but then again congress is a whore house and look at how much they make) it can. medicare, social security, the interstate road system, etc are all big government at it's best. when people pay attention and get involved government can be directed from the ground up. having lived in australia and saw how well their system worked(s) and having canadian friends who would not live here because of our health care system, i know that we are dead wrong on this issue. we need a single payer national health care and we really need it now. the money in health care does not go to the doctors and nurses, it goes to administration, drugs and supplies that so overpriced as to be criminal.

3:58 PM  
Blogger The Rooster said...

yeah. health care in this country is a tangled web of a complex designed to SEPARATE PEOPLE FROM THEIR MONEY and it doesn't make any goddamn sense anymore.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Sevesteen said...

Ron, I remembered a web page I saw about a year after the first time I saw your show that talked about uninsured medical problems, so I assumed that was still the case.

The government is decent at getting things built--That's what the interstates are an example of. They aren't good at running things efficiently. I have little faith that I can rely on collecting social security, so I have to base my financial planning on it not being there.

What might work is something where the government does a VA or CHAMPUS (where military dependents get care in the civilian system) as a last-resort backup, with private insurers subsidized at an equivalent cost. In any system, we will need incentives for the people to save costs. I'm also not willing to accept a system that won't let me pay to go outside it.

It is economically possible to do a decent system. I don't know if it is possible to get an economically sensible system from politicians.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let them beat you down, Ron.
You're right. Our health care system is definently designed for the profit of the insurance companies, not the health and welfare of the people. The cost of emergency care for the uninsured alone is a reason to look hard at a single payer system. The additional cost savings derived from early care could pay for the system. Your friends are being either a) selfish or b) very shortsighted

11:16 PM  

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