Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

last day of the road trip

the first show here, i was informed just before i go on stage that the audience was a large christian group in on a fund raiser. they were non denominational and turned out to be a very good audience. i closed with oral roberts and his 900 foot jesus and made them like it. the owner of the club, colleen, came up to me the next day and told me that she was so pleased at how i had handled the whole thing. lol.

i was one of the very first comics ever to grace this stage way back in the 80's. it is owned by bruce and colleen brashop and bruce is one of the richest men in texas. he built this club for colleen because she was and is a huge comedy fan. over the years i have come to know them both and they are just great people. the staff has been with them forever, some from the very beginning. bruce pays his people well and they are extremely loyal to him. they bring in people whom they think are funny not just because someone is "hot" at any given time. bruce hardly ever comes to shows anymore but always shows up for one of mine. the club is in the rivercenter mall right on the riverwalk and because of it being downtown it does not draw well from the locals and is mostly a tourist type crowd. they are thinking of opening another one out on the loop for the locals.

the last day of the last week of any given road trip is always soooooooooo long. the time just drags by. my heart is already at home but my body is stuck in san antonio. back when i drove most places and sometimes would be gone 4 or 5 weeks at a time, when the last show was over i would get in my truck and head home even if it was thousands of miles away. now that i fly, i end up not sleeping the night before, tossing and turning, awaiting the dawn. blah, blah, blah.

last week of the year other than the week before christmas when i go to san francisco for the punch of the best comedy clubs, if not THE best, of all times. i am always their week before christmas act which is great because of a. they have their bill graham presents christmas party that week and b. the city itself is, of course, all decked out for the christmas season complete with choirs singing in the downtown parks. just great. rhonda is going with me this year, the punch line always puts me up in some cool little boutique hotel right there in the heart of things. i will take my camera this year and post some pictures of that club and the city.

oh well, rock and roll and peace be to us all


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