greetings from reno
almost every comic is liberal and for the last 48 hours i have been receiving phone calls from all across the nation from my fellow laughmasters. the most poignant was from carl falkenberry whose father, a white methodist minister, marched with dr. martin luther king, jr. all across the south. his father has passed but i told carl that his father, who surely is in heaven, must be very proud and very happy today. carl and i cried together.
come january, president obama (ain't that a great couple of words?) will be facing some staggering problems. i am sure in my heart that he will indeed reach across the aisle and engage the republicans to help resolve them. we are in this together and only together will we get out from under this avalanche of bad news.
i am in reno working at catch a rising star and everywhere i go people are just estatic about the election. there is a new mood in america and a new enthusiasm that "yes we can".
i don't really have a lot to say today but thank all of you who participated in this election and went out and voted; whether it was for obama or for mc cain or for any of the other candidates. 62.5% of the electorate voted which is still not nearly enough (we need everyone to vote) but much better than it has been recently. it is our country and it requires our participation. only fools and defeatists think that voting isn't important. the only thing that keeps us from facism is the ballot box...use it and use it wisely.
thank you, scotty, we fought the good fight together. thank you, yvonne. thank you, mike. (mike is one of my republican friends and all of our discussions and arguments have been civil as they should be in a democracy) thank you seth, and j.t. and even joe and liz. thank all of you who read this and comment on it.
i am going to lay off politics as i decompress from this election and will move on to other subjects, one of which has been requested and that is the real and full story of how i went from corporate to comedy and maybe a little texas hold-em poker thrown in as well.
come january, president obama (ain't that a great couple of words?) will be facing some staggering problems. i am sure in my heart that he will indeed reach across the aisle and engage the republicans to help resolve them. we are in this together and only together will we get out from under this avalanche of bad news.
i am in reno working at catch a rising star and everywhere i go people are just estatic about the election. there is a new mood in america and a new enthusiasm that "yes we can".
i don't really have a lot to say today but thank all of you who participated in this election and went out and voted; whether it was for obama or for mc cain or for any of the other candidates. 62.5% of the electorate voted which is still not nearly enough (we need everyone to vote) but much better than it has been recently. it is our country and it requires our participation. only fools and defeatists think that voting isn't important. the only thing that keeps us from facism is the ballot box...use it and use it wisely.
thank you, scotty, we fought the good fight together. thank you, yvonne. thank you, mike. (mike is one of my republican friends and all of our discussions and arguments have been civil as they should be in a democracy) thank you seth, and j.t. and even joe and liz. thank all of you who read this and comment on it.
i am going to lay off politics as i decompress from this election and will move on to other subjects, one of which has been requested and that is the real and full story of how i went from corporate to comedy and maybe a little texas hold-em poker thrown in as well.
I don't agree that we need more people voting--We need better informed people voting. If you don't care enough to learn about the candidates, stay home. We shouldn't have roadblocks to registering, but we also shouldn't have people registering when they pick up their welfare check.
I did not vote for state supreme court this time, because I'd neglected to look up the candidates beforehand. I don't think it would be right to vote based only on the names.
Sen. Barack Obama’s vote to renew the Patriot Act, his votes to continue to fund the Iraq war, his backing of the FISA Reform Act, his craven courting of the Israeli lobby, his support of the death penalty, his refusal to champion universal, single-payer not-for-profit health care for all Americans, his call to increase troop levels and expand the war in Afghanistan, his failure to call for a reduction in the bloated and wasteful defense spending and his lobbying for the huge taxpayer swindle known as the bailout...
To which we could add his bellicose saber-rattling at Iran, his promise to roll back "Russian aggression" and extend war-triggering treaty protection to an aggressive Georgian regime (which cluster-bombed its own people, as we learned this week), his advocacy of destabilizing and civilian-shredding military strikes in Pakistan, his opposition to gay marriage (and campaigning with gay-bashing preachers), and his support for extending the death penalty to cover non-fatal offenses, and so on.
Any one of these positions would be roundly condemned by "progressives" if they were taken or advocated by George W. Bush -- as in fact many of them have been. Indeed, one of the most remarkable things about this campaign is how Obama has managed to embody the deep and desperate thirst for change among millions of America -- hence the genuinely moving scenes of jubilation and revived hope that have greeted his victory -- while his actual positions in many if not most key areas track very closely with Bush's, if they are not actually identical with them.
Unfortunately Chris, above, is right.
Ron, your blog has made me throw my fist in the air many times this election season, so can you help me get excited about this Rahm Emanuel guy? Obama's first pick looks shifty on first sight, and now I've read he's also missing a finger and has been known to mail people dead fish. The Illinois Prince of Peace is making me concerned right out of the chute.
for a liberal democrat to run for president in this country, he must run in the center, he cannot run to the far left regardless of his personal views...why? because he wouldn't be elected.
we shall see what president obama does and compare it with how senator obama ran.
there is no sense in attacking him now, he is not in office yet if you haven't noticed.
and hey chris, are you joe or liz?
obama is going to be a great president is what i believe. you can believe anything you want.
some of you spent so much energy attacking anything i said that you became petty in the eyes of many. i guess you can't get anyone to read your blog so you have to hitchhike on mine.
reports are out that sarah palin did not know that africa was a continent and thought it was a country. also that she did not know which countries are in north america. if this is true, how big a bullet did we dodge on this one?
oh well, life goes on and may we have peace in our time.
Hey Ron, glad to see Obama got in. I hope he does a great job, and makes you proud.
I have faith brother.
Anon Troll:
You've got the right to free speech on your own blog--This is Ron's place, and he's got the right to say what goes here. You may be able to force him into not allowing anon comments, (Ron--I'd recommend that, and I'm willing to help) or into requiring moderation (willing to help with that as well, including daily moderation if necessary), but you can't force him to let you have tantrums in his place.
I've disagreed with Ron far more than I have agreed, but I've tried to remain polite and civil. Far as I know, he's never deleted one of my comments. He is deleting for rudeness, not content.
I deliberately post on blogs that don't match my political philosophy, both to try to bring people to my views and to stretch my own experience. Rudeness is not useful for either of those goals. I avoid trolling. If a blog owner were to say I'm not welcome on his blog, I will respect that and leave him alone.
(Ron--if you delete the anon comment I'm replying to, I will not be at all offended if you delete this one as well)
Just when the world is fed up up with America, and the last penny has been emptied from the treasury, everybody rushes to the other side of the boat and starts singing in unison about equality and justice. It’s obviously a punch and judy show, but we can’t stop watching, or ever quite come to disbelieve, even though Plato demolished the whole scam years ago.
The military-industrial-academic-media complex that controls both parties worked this out in advance. I’ve always believed that the winner of this “election” was decided long before the primaries were even over with and that the “Establishment” simply decided that it was time to put a black face on itself for public consumption. Obama is no more a product of “the People Choice” than was Chimptard in 2000 or 2004. Within a decade, the Establishment will decide –well in advance of any national elections– that it’s time to “feminize” the Oval Office (President Palin?). In the end, of course, it doesn’t matter. The events set in motion for this country by the real Powers-That-Be will run their course regardless of the figurehead on the throne.
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