Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

to think: he is the best they could do.

here is a stunning thought for you: john mc cain is the very best the republicans could do. that this old man who, almost every day, makes another statement showing either his inability to understand the situation in iraq or his inability to tell the truth, is their standard bearer in these troubling times, is almost beyond belief.

just yesterday, he goes on cbs and makes a totally false statement which cbs chose not to air (ah, that liberal press again.) johnny mc idiot says that the surge is what caused the "awakening councils" in anbar province. quick! someone tell him that the awakening was WAY BEFORE the surge and the surge had absolutely nothing to do with it.

today, the mc smear campaign made an insinuation that obama is in favor of genocide. unfucking believeable... and what is scary is that there are idiots out there who get their news only from fox or rush, who will believe literally anything they are told. then again, we are pretty much at the bottom of the barrel education-wise in the world, so nothing to do with americans' lack of knowledge should surprise me.

some on the left are afraid that some racist idiot from somewhere in the south will assassinate obama. i know how he can protect himself from al sharpton as his vice president. now, no one will be shooting at obama.

of course, the republicans will take what i just said and start another scare rumor on the net. OBAMA SUPPORTERS HOPE FOR SHARPTON AS VP!!

while the polls are close right now, obama is going to win in a landslide. once senator mc cain and senator obama are on the stage together answering real questions about policy and plans, senator mc cain will look to be the uninformed, obfuscating fool that he is. the american people may be stupid but surely they won't be so stupid as to elect mc cain, who will only follow in the disasterous footsteps of george "the decider" bush, as president. surely not. but then again...they did re-elect bush. (well, that is not quite correct...we didn't elect him the first time so he couldn't be re-elected.)

elect senator obama and get this country going in the right direction. please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that, far from being a format for "intellectual discussion", your blog is now reduced to rampant McCain bashing.

And do you still think that anyone who dares to criticize your endeared Obama is automatically a "racist"?

I think you probably do...

8:24 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

hey joe,

was wondering what happened to you. no, i don't think someone is a racist just because they are not for obama just as i don't think that all republicans are warmongers.

actually, i was thinking along the same lines about mc cain bashing and plan on writing some blogs on the history of the TEXAS OUTLAW COMICS.

it has become too easy to bash senator foot-in-mouth and so i am going to leave it to the tens of thousands of other liberal bloggers, most of which write much better than i.

one final thing though, no one has written me and given any reason or reasons to rethink my opinion of senator mc cain. he is amazing wrong on almost every issue.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

oh, and one other thing, you use the word "still" think...come on joe, i never said that anyone who is against senator obama is automatically a racist. but, hey joe, there are some real racists out there; have you noticed that? i don't think any of them are going to vote for senator obama. do you? thought not.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought you might find this website interesting. Though there are people from the left some may feel it is slanted against the right, because there are far more of them.

stunningly John McCain made the list.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Art said...

i know how he can protect himself from al sharpton as his vice president. now, no one will be shooting at obama.

Okay, that line is a saver. You've only got three months to use it, so you'd better work it in there quick. Perhaps printing it on coasters or keychains would be a good way to maximize it's profitability in the short time available. D.L. Hughley may steal it and use it on the Tonight Show and get the credit if you don't act fast!

5:54 PM  

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